Street Heaters Party at Margarita Momma's - July 28

Come Party it up at Margarita Momma’s on July 28! Free Drinks from 9-11 sponsored by!

Spread the word and I hope to see everyone there!

Free Drinks!! oh boy we need the tequilla willies crew there lol

SAAAWWWEEEETTT! Looks like we need to wax up the Speed6 for this event!

exactly what i was thinking! Joe we need t shirts!

jesus, I need to stop going on vacation.

im leaving for punta cana that day…

maybe next time. better bring the GTP or Bill’s truck


free drinks im in ftw

and the best part is my buddy is a city cop and that is his district

ok so did you guys get a dj? or know who will be there? Sugar wont be there…hope Starr is there!!!

Where is this place located?

Let me guess. 21+?

In Station Square


no, they are handing out alcohol to minors.

I’ve been in plenty of places that serve alcohol and also let 18+ in. I think it was a valid question.

so we bring our cars? and we will be on this video or whats the deal

nope. walk there. :doh:

i will be taking taxi to the party. The filming will be on the inside. I filmed a quick little video last time they had a party like this. Starboy and I had a great time!

Will there be stuntin’ in the parking lot after???

Nonetheless, I’m down.

I’ll be there

Do we have to pay to get in? If so how much?