Strut Tower Rust

So while removing the engine this weekend, i went to pull out the A/C lines, and found this below one of them.

I want to get this cleaned up and/or replaced sometime soon. Any suggestions on a certain method?

Has anyone done somethign like this before that is willing to help me out?

Also, anybody around here to small paint jobs(engine bay)?

i think you just cut it out and weld in a new plate. catalyst did it to his 240.

yeah, i think its a cut and paste kinda deal, i know of someone who just cut out the rusty spots and patch welded new metal in and formed it in with body hammers, but said to test it he jumped some railroad tracks and they busted right free. cut yours out and put new ones in and paint 'em up

ok well, anyone have the capabilities to weld this up, and are willing to help me out?


Pm hotrodkid, he should be able to take care of you for a few bones

Gracias, will do once I check it out more and figure out the best method to take.