stuck oil filter anyone????

^ …seriously…?

You use an air hammer to remove an oil filter? That’s hilarious. I’ve never had one that I couldn’t get off with channel locks, a filter wrench, or a screwdriver… Yes I do this for a living.

Also, to the OP, if you have to do the screwdriver trick, try stabbing it through closer to the block, that’s where the filter is strongest. If it was really stuck that bad, with your screwdriver that high up, it probably would’ve just twisted it open like a can opener.

I wonder if it was a bitch to get off because it’s not the right filter for your motor? Was it cross-threaded or jammed on there?

Mopar filters are the same as FRAM or Wix. The Wix equivalent for that FE253 is a Wix 51034. KA’s should use a Wix 51361. I’m not sure what’s different between the 51034 and 51361 though.

^ yeah where did you last get your oil changed? sounds like the filter didn’t match and the thread was forced on if it was that hard to get off

ya the filter was taken off long ago, but I don’t think they used the wrong filter, because once i broke the filter, It just unscrewed like regular properly fitted filter. also I just got this car, and the previous owner did the oil change somewhere on midland and Lawrence.

+2 on the oil filter pliers… i used to change oil at crappy tire and those pliers were the best!!

i thought that if i stabbed a screwdriver through my stuck oil filter and tried to turn it, it would tear a huge gash in the filter and be even more screwed!! but this is good proof otherwise

i ended up using a three pronged “spider” that goes on the end of a 3/8 ratchet and tightens as you loosen, if that makes any sense loll

another trick for you guys…if the filter is stuck and you havent drained the oil yet. Warm up the engine and it will come off like butter.

Best tip… lay some cardboard on the floor first, so there is no mess. Than grab a crowbar, or a mini crowbar, or even a file… anything thats long and metal. Oh and a mallet/hammer or just something to hit shit with. Carefully line up the crowbar/whatever the fuck on the filter. Whack the shit out of the crowbar as to penetrate deep into that fuckin filter. Than, simply rotate the crowbar counter clockwise to remove the filter. Once done i usually like to play soccer with the fuckin thing as they really are a pain in the ass and make changing oil not so fun.

Yeah i had the same problem an a saturn a while back. Literally would not come off. Just did as above and it worked. Turns out the dipshit at mr.lube or wherever the fuck didn’t bother to put some oil on the seal before installation. I had to scrape what was left of it off the damn threaded section on the block. Made a half our job last 2… well to be honest the last half hour was just beating the shit outa the filter which doesn’t really count as work.

And as for heating the engine up? Yeah that does help most of the time, especially for draining the oil, but that doesn’t always work cause sometimes the hot oil will cause the filter to expand and stuff.

Best just to beat the shit outa it. But make sure you don’t shear it off as you will be picking bits of metal out the block and trying to twist the base of the filter.