Stuck removing SR crankshaft pully

Im trying to pull it off while my motors in the car and its not budging. Has anyone had success with the big pully remover from CT or know of another method or tool i can use and where to get it.

I really need to get my timing chain cover replaced before i can start putting the head on my motor. Any help i can get is greatly appreciated, id really like to get the motor going very soon:)

heat it up and impact that shit off…
then it will come off no problem

i used the thing from CT…

I put it in 5th gear to get the bolt off, used a long wrench with some hulk strength, and then hammered the actually pulley off from behind, it messes up the pulley, but I was replacing it any way. I’m sure if ur more gentle with it it wont be all beat up.

i think he is talking about the pully

not the bolt itself…

never used the puller from CT
but i got a puller from princess auto, and about to use it on my KA’s pully

the one from CT is the bolt type or claw type?

Never hammer the pulley off… you can create a lot more problems for yourself by doing it that way… a puller of any sort that puts equal pressure around the pulley is what you want… hope everything goes good for ya devin

I just went through this not too long ago doing the front crank seal. What I did was loosen the crank bolt but dont take it completely off, just unscrew it a few threads at a time…hook the puller around the back of the crank pulley, if you cant get it around the very back of the crank pulley then you can hook it on to the middle one but be very careful because you may split the pulley apart this way! As your turning the bolt on the puller tool keep a close eye on the crank pulley and make sure its not touching the crank bolt as your trying to remove it…your gona have to unscrew the crank bolt little by little as you go.
This method worked for me with out any problems…the crank pulley is on there TIGHT so its not just gonna pop off…its gonna take alot of force so it may seem like it doesnt wanna budge but it will.
By the way the reason I left the crank bolt in was becasue the tool i was using was too small and the rod on the puller tool was going into the crank…the crank bolt has a little indent and the puller tool fit perfectly into it.

I hope I didn’t just confuse you!
Good luck!

Its all taken care of thanks guys! I used the big 3 claw pully puller/remover from partsource and it worked like a charm. I was lucky with my other car just using a rubber mallet but this one was a stubborn little cocksucker.

dont you mean camshaft???i`m not femilure with the sr though

KA’s crank pulley doesnt need a puller. once you take off the bolt the pulley should just fall off.