Student at UCLA Tazered

worst. cameraman. ever.

Even at UB you either must have a student ID, or obtain a temporary library card to access the library facilities. Now their computer systems may be more open than UB’s however technically we are a state public school, and anyone coming in off the street with valid NYS ID can access the network and Library computers…Still have to get a temporary access card though…


EDIT: I feel I must comment that a 7 minute high quality video clip is outside the scope of mose camera phones.

The only school I have been to that has asked for an ID was UoT. It’s a good policy, especially later at night.

I’m fairly certain that the student ID says “property of UCLA” and them asking for their property is not unreasonable. :wink:

You know me, fill in the blank________________________.

That’s my 2 cents.:lol:

I dont know Californias Police Procedures but here in new york the amount of physical force used must be=to the threat of physical harm, that goes for everyone, from Ive learned I think its the same for Cops. In Common Law people are able to resist an unlawful arrest but In NY you can NOT resist an unlawfull arrest. That kid couldve been cuffed and dragged out of there very easily if need be. I didnt see what happened before the first Taze but if that kid made any kind of motion for a weapon or tried to kick, punch, or push one of the officers then the Taze was warranted. As far as all the other Tazes, they were abuse of power. Those cops were idiots and handled that situation very badly.

lol. who deleted my rant about the cops that turned into a rant about goddamn jews and the dirty towel heads?

that was comic gold.

+2 They were not in the wrong at all. :lol: as his patriot act bs comments. Thats probably why it made it on the news, because he startes screaming anti-Bush shit.

I dont care what the situation was before hand. If an officer tells you to do something, you probably should do it. If you have a problem with it act like an adult. Acting like a 2 year old baby and screaming and bothering everyone is deserving of what happend. There is no justification for the way that kid acted…sorry. He can be upset without being that much of a douche bag.

In the words of juggernaut “ZAP HIS DUMB ASS!”

I dont see why 3 cops couldnt subdue a student whos probably smaller then hell without a tazer.Excessive force in my opinion even if he did deserve it.They could have cuffed him and dragged him out after the first tazer.he will probably get money out of it though.I wish something like this could happen to me

Yeah I wanna see you get tazered too. The cops were in full right of using that level of force. He was trying to start a riot, they did the right thing by subduing him. The guy was an idiot. He should have just got up and left when they asked him to. People have no respect for authority figures and think they can do w/e they want. This man got a reality check they he obviously needed.

Im sure he will get a settlement check too.A simple cuff and drag works.

mayb if they tazered him a few more times he would get up.

I’m sorry, he was being douche bag, he got what he deserved. He shouldnt have to be dragged like a child. He is an adult. he has 2 legs, he can use them.

“If you want to talk shit like a man, you can get your ass kicked like one”


This is fucking retarded. Why is there any discussion over this shitbag getting tasered for ignoring rules and instructions? you do something wrong and there are consequences. Fucking douchebag noncompliant retards running around these days. I hate all of you whiny bastards.

Mostafa Tabatabainejad

Case and Point.

and what exactly would that be?

Regardless of whatever you think of that kid and what he did, that statement was completely unnecessary.

lol so much for internet sarcasm.

dude we know you can’t read, quit having your mom type your posts