Study links liberalism, atheism and monogamy to higher IQ's

i score 3 out of 3 here…

Newman loses… on 1 of these…


2/3 I am not a liberal.

2/3 i am not down with teh monogamy

Interesting article. I really like this:

Atheism allows someone to move forward and speculate on life without any concern for the dogmatic structure of a religion.

I couldn’t have said it better.

2/3 I believe in a higher power, though I most churches organizations have their heads up their asses. So maybe 2.5/3.

So you’re a unitarian?

Unitarians are like social atheists, no shame in that.

this is an old argument that richard dawkins tried using in his debates, only to to have it dismantled by william lane craig. heres one of his responses to it, i dont think their debate is on video anywhere though.

Or a Deist. Either way, nothin wrong with that.

I consider myself Agnostic;

Agnosticism is the view that the truth value of certain claims—especially claims about the existence of any deity, but also other religious and metaphysical claims—is unknown or unknowable.

Agnosticism - Wikipedia
It’s different than Atheism because you acknowledge that even your own opinion can be false and you believe in a higher being(s) but you believe it’s impossible to proof it’s existence or purpose, etc.

Lets not turn this into a religious thread. K thanks.

It was turned into a religious thread from the title alone. It had the word atheist in it, its bound to turn into one.


I don’t care. I do not want to see this turn into another 50 page debate about religion. Debate the concept of monogamy.

I am now married and therefore monogamous and I can say that I had a lot more fun single, but I love my wife so I will do it.

Joe, comments thoughts?

They’re just debating what my beliefs should be named, when the very act of naming “my beliefs” bastardizes the key “my” part. Cute little simpletons.

Same here.

Also, I’ve been posting on here for about a month or so, and my post count remains at zero. Anyone know why this might be?

Because you have yet to post in an automotive section. Off Topic and Classifides etc… do not count toward your post count.

lolbro, how’s the weather all up there on that pedestal?

Nothing I hate more than religious whackos is anti-religious whackos who think they have it all figured out.

quick question: what do you put in the religion box on the census?

I’m just being a jackass. Don’t take me so seriously.

I’ve never filled out a census. I was raised RC and thus that’s what I have the most knowledge of would probably be the appropriate box for me to check.

I’m sorry.