Time: Can Atheists Be Parents?




ouch… lets hope they go about this the right way… I would hate to see a US supreme court ruling against them and set precedence for the future :frowning: which looks grim being that the age of the justices and who appointed them :frowning: (GWB)

LOL @ America

how long before they tell you which supreme being?

Jesus H. Fucking Christ… that is stupid

that’s ridiculous. another “left up to interpretation”



What the fuck’s a pantheist?

They believe that god is in everything and everyone, if I remember correctly.

And this is absolutely ridiculous, I can’t see this surviving the supreme court.

lol wow

if this gets thrown out of the supreme court I have no faith in the justice system.

pun not intended but appropriate

A person who dosent believe in pants.

this is retarded, you shouldnt have to hump a fiction novel to adopt kids.


Well said Justkarter, I’m… impressed.

god this country is fucked up.

leave it to new jersey to find a way to shit on people for making a decision everyone in this country is SUPPOSED to be allowed to make without being descriminated for

but :tup: to them moving out of new jersey, i can only hope that one day … somehow … NYC crashes into NJ and they both go to the bottom of the ocean

Monotheism is so 2nd millenium. :rollseyes:

God is nature and vice versa I guess.

So any slutty scumbag loser fuck in America can have multiple kids with multiple people, and get goverment money to support said kids, but this family can’t adopt a child because of their religious beliefs? Ugh.