Stuffing a front mount onto my 05 STi - done!

when you’re done with your vf39, can i have it. I think mine is shitting the bed…


I was trying to say you made the wrong choice with going front mount, but I just put it up because it seems like you are getting the wrong impression. The heat soak issue is not relevant unless you’re sitting in traffic.


if the car is a daily, and i believe it is, then the top mount is an issue. i was under the impression the only reason subaru used the top mount was so they could add proper bumper support for crash testing.

im not trying to argue, but in everyday driving even a fmic will start to heat soak, and it becomes extremely noticeable on your drive home from work on a warm day.

anywho back on topic. you should talk to mike at innovative. he has put a couple fmics on newer subarus if im not mistaken.


when you’re done with your vf39, can i have it. I think mine is shitting the bed…


Mines blowing oil already :frowning:


if the car is a daily, and i believe it is, then the top mount is an issue. i was under the impression the only reason subaru used the top mount was so they could add proper bumper support for crash testing.

im not trying to argue, but in everyday driving even a fmic will start to heat soak, and it becomes extremely noticeable on your drive home from work on a warm day.

anywho back on topic. you should talk to mike at innovative. he has put a couple fmics on newer subarus if im not mistaken.


Trust me, I didnt jump into this one blind :slight_smile: And again, unless the subaru design is worse then others, I never noticed sitting traffic heat soak with my neon’s fmic. I’d imagine stale air no matter what would cause heat soak, but you think sitting over the turbo would do it more, then sitting onfront of the car, directly in the path of wind.



Trust me, I didnt jump into this one blind :slight_smile: And again, unless the subaru design is worse then others, I never noticed sitting traffic heat soak with my neon’s fmic. I’d imagine stale air no matter what would cause heat soak, but you think sitting over the turbo would do it more, then sitting onfront of the car, directly in the path of wind.



oh, im with you. i had 2 different intercoolers on the civic. the side mount, that was mounted on the inside of the rad support, and a front mount on the other side. the difference was night and day with how quickly it would heat up in daily driving, or sitting in line at auto-x.

And yes, the crash bar does have to be removed, which kinda sucks. But… as mike said, I still have an engine to protect me :smiley:


How much power can the stock STi drivetrain take? Whats the first thing that goes when you start making good power clutch, motor, tyranny?


How much power can the stock STi drivetrain take? Whats the first thing that goes when you start making good power clutch, motor, tyranny?


clutch. motor and trans can take a lot of abuse.


clutch. motor and trans can take a lot of abuse.


lol. funny post.

Oh, the stock clutch for sure, is the first thing to go. I’d guess around 350+ whp, it starts to go, fast. The engine is tough, they designed it really well with things like sodium filled valves, and much more. There are people with 35r’s with the stock engine still holding up just fine. Finally, the tranny is tough as nails. The only people that seem to have any problems with the tranny’s are people who abuse it by not changing the fluid, put in a SUPER tough clutch and then do 6k clutch dumps, or people that force it into gear when it doesn’t want to go.

Overall, its an expensive platform to make power with, no questions asked, and since its a 6 speed, its not the best for drag racing, but… its a pretty rock solid drivetrain to make power with. I’m happy with my decisions so far.


joe should post. hes been running fp green+meth with probably more than 450wheel. i have talked to him in a minute tho.

ill text him tomorrow and see what he says.

and running this for prolly almost a year now.


if the car is a daily, and i believe it is, then the top mount is an issue. i was under the impression the only reason subaru used the top mount was so they could add proper bumper support for crash testing.

im not trying to argue, but in everyday driving even a fmic will start to heat soak, and it becomes extremely noticeable on your drive home from work on a warm day.

anywho back on topic. you should talk to mike at innovative. he has put a couple fmics on newer subarus if im not mistaken.


Yup we’ve done a bunch. I went through the process which is very time consuming and it has to be done very precisely if you don’t want the bumper to look like crap when you’re done. I know Mark can handle it if he takes his time. He assembled engines and swapped his car etc. After he gets it done he’s stopping back for a quick retune and so I can show him my FP Green again…you know you want one Mark.:smiley:

Anyone who says going to a front mount is a waste of time is missing the boat. 50 whp NOT lost is 50 whp gained. I’ll explain. Let’s say for the sake of a generous argument that on the stock turbo a front mount only makes a couple more hp more on a dyno than a top mount. Sure it’s not much and it will cause slightly slower throttle response and an extra 200 rpm or so of lag, but that’s not all it does. If you’re not cruising over 60 mph on the highway or on a dyno with high speed fans all day your top mount is heat soaking to some degree and you’re losing power.

On a warm day when your top mount (big or small) is heat soaked you have a huge loss of power. We ran a few cars on my dyno without fans directly on the ICs between runs as a demonstration of what heat soak does and losses were great as expected. On a 250 whp car we’re talking around 50 whp loss after sitting with the car off cooling down for 10 minutes without fans on the IC. Go in a store to get some milk, come out and you’ve got the same thing. Park your car at an autoX after a run and you better believe it’s going to be much worse between the hot pavement and the heat transfer from the turbo/exhaust. The heat shield isn’t going to help when the car is stopped and the whole engine bay is nearing 200 degrees. Swap to a front mount and you’re putting 50+ more hp to the wheels on your next run. I’d say that’s a huge gain.

I had the monster Hyperflow tmic on my WRX and yes it took more time to soak than the stock unit because of its extra mass. It also took more time to cool off once it soaked, and while soaked to the same temp the car was just as much of a dog as on the stock top mount.

Good stuff Mike and a good read for a noob.




sweet, im going to go do the i was right dance

Thanks for the post mike!

And yes, I do want an FP Green, and I will be buying one this summer, I just need to keep putting pennies in my piggy bank to save up for it. I have enough saved up right now, but I need to make sure I have a nest egg, for when I need it. I can deal with the VF39 for now :stuck_out_tongue:



GT30r’s are small. If i’m not mistaken, an FP green or red is acctually larger. I know my 60 trim was 54#/min, and it was larger then a 30r.

edit: I see that they say GT30r’s can support 500 horsepower, so maybe it is the same as the FP series, or similar. I was thinking it was much smaller, but I was probalby thinking the specs of a 28r.


GT30r’s are small.



I see no reason for a 30R unless you want a stupid flat powerband. I mean come on, that’s no fun!

haha but FP Green on a sti is so played out…lol

Yea, lag is fun I suppose… when it ends with 500whp…

I have options. I’m not out to make the fastest car around (if I was, I wouldn’t have an STi). I’m just going to keep throwing my money at it responsibly until I cant anymore :slight_smile:
