Stunt Driving Law Deemed Unconstitutional.

When that judgement call is made by testosterone fueled 22 year old hot heads traffic “police” cops, it can be a dangerous situation. That’s why the “no chase” policy came into effect.

In 2004 at around 4AM on a weeknight, an aquaintance of mine was spotted speeding on Kennedy road South bound near the 401. It was radioed in. A cruiser coming North bound saw the rider, the rider then switched lanes to the right to get onto the 401 westbound. Cruiser then proceeds to cut across all lanes to block the onramp. The rider was doing about 100 kph. He didn’t even have time to tap the brakes at all, let alone stop or swerve. He plowed into the cruiser at 100kph. Another friend of mine was behind the rider when this happened. They were together and weren’t planning on running, they were just speeding. According to him, they didn’t even see the cop until it was too late. They weren’t even running.

In no way shape or form was the rider in the right. In no way shape or form was the cop in the right. The punishment has to fit the crime. The rider did not live to face his consequences for speeding. The cop certainly lived to be discharged from the service.

When they blocked my brother in like that (in this fictional tale) he was on the off ramp on Steeles from the 404. He was doing about 60 kph and they both zoomed in from behind at WOT with their lights off and in unmarked black ghost cars. That shit is fucked. This was also around 4AM on a weeknight with no cars in sight.

Say what you will, a police cruiser trying to chase down a modern day sport bike is putting the public at risk. At any time of day. A supersport bike is made to handle excessive speeds…a piece of shit Crown Vic or Impala isn’t fit to corner at 20 kph, let alone 200 kph.

Have you been on the DVP in the wee hours of the morning? Cops don’t even bother the bikes as long as they are keeping clear of cars.

There is a time and place for everything…I don’t condone retarded speeding, weaving and idiocy on public roads when other people are at risk. I also don’t condone the same people who would be doing those SAME things in their personal cars or bikes or even cruisers to believe they can make a judgement call to pursue a speeding bike or genuine sports car safely and repsonsibly.

Cops are humans, they get tunnel vison too and when involved in a chase like that, let their feelings and testosterone get in the way. “I will catch you, no matter what!!!” They are so intent on “winning” that sometimes it ends very badly for everyone involved.