Driving around last night I got a 2 tickets from some trooper on a power trip. I was passing a semi with a mini van tailgaiting me, he pulls me over the second I get back in the right lane. According to him I’ve been driving the past 15 miles at 83 mph, when I was speeding to get away from the tailgater/pass the semi (1 minute tops). Not to mention I wasn’t even 15 miles from the toll barrier. Then (I have this in writing on my ticket) he has the nerve to tell me that my exhaust is louder at idle than the semis are flying by at 70+ mph. I ask what the decibel limit is, and he gets all pissy saying there isn’t one it doesn’t matter because it is louder than the stock exhaust.
No officer you’re totally right. In fact I can’t even hear you talking over my exhaust…WHAT? Oh that’s right…I forgot that I’ve been driving 72 the past 5 miles because I have KA Band MAXED on my radar detector. I guess you can’t hear it still buzzing because of the stupid loud exhaust is still rumbling when the car is off. /rant
Yes. He had me start it and started lecturing me telling me how my neighbors don’t appreciate me having such a loud exhaust; but the car was off and it states right on my ticket “exhaust was so loud that even sitting still was still louder than passing tractor trailers.”
edit: For those who don’t know, my car is quiet in the world of performance exhausts, and it’s very quiet at idle.
i got pulled over the other week for no reason, the officer accused me of drunk driving. i did not have any thing to driunk, and as soon as i got pissed off cuz the officer was acuusing me of dirnking and said i reaked of alchohal (which he was just bullshitting) he then tried to tell me iw as driving excesivlly fast coming to a stop sign and he could write me a ticket for impruent speed, BTW i had 3 others in my car that could be witnesses, and i was not speedign what so ever. i hate piggys they should all die in a fire (atleast the asshat ones)
they never have anything else to do. I got pulled over a few months ago and the P#G said my car did not have the factory exhaust on it, so it was illegal. Then told me to start it, told me to listen to it, then asked me if I thought it was loud? :bloated: I told him “what?” I told him I bought the car like that. lol I never got a TIXXX fawk them all!!!
According to several driving instructors I’ve had for past tickets. This is the wrong thing to do, and IS considered speeding.
You’re supposed to pull over or some bullshit and let them pass.
HOWEVER… my O’Day’s driving school teacher, way back when I was 17, taking a few classes for my road test, told me when I’m going to pass, signal, FLOOR IT, pass, signal, then get back into the lane.
Then again, is was a Taurus, and had poor acceleration…
This guy did the same exact thing. I told him:
me: “sir, my exhaust isn’t that loud.”
him: “oh yea start it up…”
car starts and is idling not audible over highway traffic
him: “give it a little gas”
blip throttle barely audible over highway traffic
him: “i bet your neighbors don’t appreciate that”
me: “um no one has ever said anything about it sir. What exactly is the decibel level for exhausts?”
him: “it doesn’t matter, it’s not the factory exhaust it’s illegal. Listen to this semi passing here, it sounds like a gust of air.” WAAAAAAAAARRR.
me: “um ok sir. I don’t suppose it matters that van was tailgaiting me AS I was passing the semi?”
him: “nice try son. I’ll be right back with your citations.”
jrex he added insult with the chiefing “son” he said that to you. wow I had the same amherst cop pull me over twice a few months apart and proceeded to name off a laundry list of things wrong from no license plate lights, to rolling through a stop sign to speeding and finally exhaust. Never any tix though i gues it depends on the size of the dick up their ass.
thats why i’d go with some type of exhaust that looks similar to stock so that i could just say it is. and say its the intake thats loud. could you get a ticket for a loud intake? or how about loud bov?:lol: