sub frame bushings making noise?

i installed my slotted subframe bushings about a week ago and whenever i push in or let out the clutch the rear end makes a clunking type of noise. at first i thought that my subframe bolts were loose and the subframe may have been moving slightly. they were really tight when i checked. anyone know if they are supposed to make the rear end loud like that? could my diff be slightly shifted at an angle due to improper installation which would cause the rear end to make those noises?

What you are probably hearing is just more drivetrain noise transmitted to the cabin.

You should hear what solid aluminum subframe bushings sound like, vs. just the collars/spacers.

Because they are a solid mount they don’t have a lot of sound deadening to them. That may be where your getting your noise. Is it a clunk or a thump? If its a thump sound thats what your hearing, if its a clunk you still may have something loose.

cheak the chassies attached to the car. Might have pulled the welds and metal is slapping. Ive seen it on almost every S14/14/15 that Ive worked on with solid subframe inserts. I think they are no good unless you plan on welding the rear of your car up! Atleast a minor stitch weld. Just my opinion. I doubt you push you car as hard as the Japanese so your prob okay lol.

i had the same noise when i had my subframe spacers in, you will learn to live with it

I think I’m gonna just replace the subframe bushings with urethane ones instead of putting spacers in.

are you talking about the alluminum spacers with the slit in them (so you can slide them on instead of de-install/re-install)?

I have the urethane inserts and the subframe collars. You will get a little more noise but nothing harsh enough to warrant removing them thats for sure. I hear the soild inserts, the one where you get rid the the rubber completly and replace it with metal bushing are loud as hell sometimes.

ya its just a loud clunking noise whenever i push in the clutch or release it. sounds like something is moving up and down almost. a mechanic at my work said that the diff may have slanted a few degrees which would cause those noises. not too sure if thats what it would be or not, could get it checked out maybe

its normal, i installed my spacers on a lift and used a jack to lift and lower the subframe evenly, torqued everything back up to spec and it still made that exact noise you are describing