Subaru 0 vs Mercury 1

That car is definately cursed. Didnt you just get it fixed and then hit on the day you got it back?

that was alans wrx

sorry to hear that man.

this is true, its a no fault state but that doesn’t mean what people think. i have been hit and had their insurance pay every dime to fix my car.

Sorry to hear, but damn does this car have bad luck lol…Are you considering offing it now?

I’d kick him right in the dick if he did. He said damage is minor, so he better get it fixed.

car is getting fixed, not going anywhere.

is it back to paper weight status again?

sorry to hear about this. hopefully it’ll still drive the same. have had similar damage from an stupid suv, it was all up high like yours. as long as the frame rails weren’t touched you should need a trip to the rack.

Damage is worse than originally thought - will know more tomorrow - timing may have been knocked out during accident and may have caused damage to the motor. We’ll see



Haha riiiggghhhttt


Yeah, insurance co. is going to look at it today so I’ll have more answers/updates.

It looks like identical damage that was inflicted on Allans 07 when the retard pulled out and tboned his car. Except he had a control arm and tranny replaced

How are getting t-boned and rear ending someone even remotely related? I’m confused.

all he said was it’s similar damage.

why? I have no idea, thanks for the input sean.

Because the damage done looks almost identical. I guess your ability to read and comprehend the information in the sentence was compromised during your accident

here we go
