Summer jobs.

what do they pay?

lol - you might as well take your degree and flush it if you plan on working at a job that doesn’t require you to come in before 10am.

also will want to brush up on “Hello, may I take your order”

lol I remember being a worker… now I’m a supervisor for ~50 college students… man seeing it from the dark side rocks… they dont get away with anything I use to :slight_smile:

I’ll grab an app. today.

hmm yeah…the point of this thread is to find MYSELF[SIZE=2] a job, not you.
GTFO and start your own thread.:retard:


im just abusing my nyspeed priveledges

i think he wants you to abuse your priviledge of shut the fuck up and GTFO!


whats the matter everyone bashed you out of the other thread and your sad and upset now? :tantrum:

Don’t know if anyone said it yet but pool cleaning services is a decent summer gig. A few of my buddies used to do it and liked it.

i don’t think thats the case internet tough guy, worry about delivering your pizzas before they get cold

haha and im the internet tough guy? good job doing your research kid, im sad that your representing the ub engineering program with your leet stupidity. im sure they appreciate it oh so much.

cause you know oh so much about me

iv seen enough already. your just sticking your foot down your throat at this point. sorry im off to make my $50/ hr. at my job now. have fun behind your computer jackass.

oo boy real mature and its you’re again

how often do you suck dick?

are you at UB right now? i’m in capen if you’d like to say that to my face

the toughest oil changer on the block. seriously push the deflater button for your chest.

So thats a large amount of dick that you suck? are you in one of those private rooms sucking some dick right now?

those rooms are locked silly
