Summer Kick off BBQ Menu

I’m fine with 101 proof Wild Turkey, 7up, and a bag of Doritos!

Exactly what I was thinking.

Water, fruit (not fruit salad, that’s more dessert than solid food), chicken burgers are my requests.

Shush, don’t let people in on it. More track time for those of us that realized eating properly was a good idea. :snky:

I plan on wearing depends and having my pit crew provide food so I can maximize eating and driving for the best possible value :smiley:

When I suggested fruit salad, I was thinking of what my mom always makes for picnics. It’s just a bunch of cut up fruit, mixed with orange juice and honey. Nice and healthy and refreshing. That ambrosia salad stuff makes my tummy unhappy, even though it is delicious.

Also a pasta dish, like a goulash would be really good. Or just zitti or something simple like that

where and when is this??

I see so many people contributing ideas yet barely see anyone signed up to eat. We need to get more people to this event.

thats just the norm lol there is always a rush at the end, for every event :stuck_out_tongue:


…I’m assumed that since I’m signed up to drive, I’m signed up to eat, too.

Edit: I’m also having a drunken self pity party tonight so I really shouldn’t be making assumptions about anything.

Even if you combine both of the driving and just eating list between SON240sx, blowneuroz and NYSpeed, theres not a great amount of people signed up.

there is about 60 at this point. It will grow as usual, but you are right dave, we always get the last minute people!

Oh, and driving does include food. It is all wrapped into one.

usually id eat a lot, but who knows with the heat and hard driving all afternoon. burgers, dogs, some chicken maybe. salad or corn would be good. are you providing soda/water or are we supposed to bring our own?

LOL sounds like a job fit for dinner impossible!

I don’t know where some of the confusion in this thread is coming from :gotme:

  • If you signed up to race, you also paid to eat. It’s in bold text on the first page of the event thread and on our registration page. You must have read it at some point.

  • There are over 60 people paid to eat already. That’s more then there was for the BBQ at Letchworth last year, and we still have 2 months to go.

As for my food vote, whatever you want to make Mike, lol. I’m sure I’ll find something good to eat when I’m there. :slight_smile:

I’ll link the other thread to here so the rest of the drivers / participants can voice their opinions :tup:

we cannot touch that cake until excellent pictures of it are had.

like micah grade pics…

i’ll settle for kcuv grade.

Dinner imossable, that would be sweet. have that guy bring his debaged bmw and run it. i wonder how hard/much$ it is to get that done?

That guy was a liar. He never had the chef experience he said he had. FoodNetwork found out and booted his ass.

Back on topic, I’m registered to spectate!