Sunday Night cruise in Niagara

Soon everyone is gonna wanna come down here to cruise with us. Cruise, ricers, hacky sack, girls whats not to like…hhahaa

Hey i always come down for the meets boys… Its worth the 4+hr drive trust me.

they come for the cruise, they stay for the PARTY!

thats right Niagara Hardcore.

Anyone going to join us tonight (sept 16) for cruise night. West ender’s ? If anyone wishes to join us you can call my cell 905 324 6973. We may have a bbq at jesse’s before hand.

Came back to the forum, I joined when I was a younger and didnt know shit about cars 3 years ago…

Just came to ask if anyone saw the burnout that guy did in that gold mercedes benz at cruise night.

ANY video? Pictures??

That burn out was not worthy of any pics or vids!

is this another one of those chris is the best stories?

ok, i get yelled at for starting OT threads in car chat so i’ll just continue here…

last night (tuesday) varun and sasha and chris and bobby and i were all trying to figure out why teh shit my car wont work when jesse shows up with this sexy date of his named Sunny, it was a girl too.

so we teased tehm for a bit but she was feeling it, i think, iono dont care either.

she and jesse leave and we dont hear from them again.

i chat with jesse online this morning and i ask him how it went…

he says: “cant complain”

which is pretty ambiguous so i probe further

“detail?” i ask

ah heck, here is the msn conversation:

no luck?



cant complain

how well did it go?


f that shes sitting beside me



wiat… are you in class?


oh fuck…



i was really excited for you for a minute

but hey, at least he had a hotter date than we did last night… although we coulda stuck varun in the middle and had a gravy sandwich

LOL …yup…lol!

Well not the best, but better then that!

Oh shit that was funny!

I thought that was going to be a “Jesse is the best storie” but then …“wiat your in class”… You almost stole my frase Jesse.

so jess, is her name Sunny or Suni?

cause varun thought maybe she was from browntown?

i didnt think so, but then again i was looking more at her jeans and stuff

btw, if you show her this you also win…

because she was feelin the mild teasings yesterday which is basically the same as her throwing both arms in the arm with a big sign that says “GO!”

or more specifically “GO JESSE GO!”

or even more specifically, “bing’s taken? ok well GO JESSE GO!”

man, i cant wait for bobby to start bringing girls around… if ever.

Chris went right into the serious dating stage with Ash, there was no opportunity to tease…

msn conversation x 2:

u ghey

she still beside you?

tell her i said…“SLUUUUUUUURP”

i hate you

no you dont

i like big brother

but smaller and more flexable

whats she wearing this monring?

something nice?


now jesse wont talk to me though… put sunny at the controls biatch!@$$



Seconded (but NOT of Jesse)

sunny, shes from the stc and shes italian and irish

now go away

im leaving to go study math at her place so dont call me either. jerk


oh. and she loved the 3rd gear drift up the onramp from qew toronto to 406.

that is all

what a useless post…

how good at math is she?

ahahhhahaa, going over to study math, that is hilarious for so many reasons.

i think we are going to come out and try to find you and then start playing nikky-9-doors, throwing pebbles at the windows, prank calling, leaving bags of flaming poo (my own likely) and all the other parlour tricks i havent done in a while…

Jesse’s got a girlfriend

Jesse’s got a girlfriend

Jesse’s got a girlfriend

Jesse’s got a girlfriend

Jesse’s got a girlfriend

Jesse’s got a girlfriend

Oh i wish that i had Jesse’s guuuuuuuurl, dah nah nah nah na-nah

Two famouse quotes from Jesse’s past and present relations with girls, however short they were or long they may be.

" Get some sleep so you can win a race for me tommarow"

" You are my dream guy"

Both quotes were said after Jesse had been hang’n with them for only 1 day.