Sunday Night cruise in Niagara

bahahaha - Jessy is MY dream guy

F that chris, the ABSOLUTE BEST was:

jesse was contemplating messing around with this girl who was known to have Hep C.

we were inquiring as to whether he was actually going to get down with the chick; she was above average for sure

jesse, you dont want to fuck around with Hep C

shrugs it’s only a 2% contraction rate

— best quote ever —

:lol: Jesse is a goof

OMG…i dont even know where to start with this.

  1. It was very nice to see Jesse having a girl around he always talks about what kinda pimp he is but never once have i seen him -WITH- a girl.

  2. It took us 6 hours to turbo his car -AGAIN- (meaning it shoulda only took us 30 min) because he was so horny to get it running so he could show off.

  3. Yes this is another one of those Jesse is the best stories…(she came after him)

  4. make it clap

  5. Math… who the f*** studies math… The only equation hes thinkin about is 1 button - 1 zipper = hapiness…aaaaaand go!

  6. Bing when i do have a girlfriend you can hit on her all you want, but i get to hit on your fiance in return…

Im sure theres more but im hungry. That being said she’s a very attractive girl who must be f***ed in the head. :smiley: Good job Jesse it must be the pink shirt.


I would dissagree strongly. Take away the tits and you have a below average girl. WHO, I might add, was quoted saying: “Yeah, he was my 50th”!

She was not talking about jesse (or me for that matter), and it was actually jesse that told me about that.

I’m just glad he didn’t end up with the hep. I would have felt shitty for the rest of my life for not making it known (even if it did conclude in a nice shouting match between her and I in the middle of a pattio bar).

but yeah, other than the titties and the hep, she had nothing.

Theo WTF… This was the funniest thread I have read in a long time then you have go and get all seriuose. That post was not funny at all. True but not funny. You should make a new post and make me laugh.

I am sure you can come up with some fun Jesse stories.

Well, seeing the way he plugged up all of the lines for his turbo (oil, water, vacuum etc) while he waited for the new unit to arrive was pretty funny. Then we sparked up a spliff and laughed even more!

Every story about jesse is so funny that it makes me forget about the previous one, so I’ll let you know when the next one happens.

2 pages of sunday night cruise night…2 pages of jesse bashing…interesting if whenever jesse does something stupid we should post it up here and have a bigger thread than “Car Spotted”


lol… oh Jesse! I wonder how dull our lives would be with out the bushwacker.

Bahahahahah! “Thay are Brzilian cut” bahaha. Why do you think they call them Brazilian cut?

Maybe because they are hideing a rain forest??? HAHAHA!


chilled with her a bit today at school. drove to brock to figure out what the hell is going on there.

then we drove back, i helped some old people change a spare… but she wasnt there to see it…

went home and made dinner, went over to her place to chill, she went to work 5-8 then called me up rigth after and i just got back from hamilton after having dinner with my mom. so its 8:30 and shes gona gimme a call any min to get me to come over again…

holy fuck im tired…

ps. this chick is so fuckin rad

come on chris, we know the only way to get better is practice

plus… we already swore we’d wait atleast 2 weeks cause we dont wana rush into things.

ps. this chick is so freakin’ rad


Thats the funny thing bobby… they talk like geeks when it’s something special.

Ok Chris… that it for me being serious.

in all honesty, that is pretty wicked.

i cant wait to see you 12 days from now… both watching the clock as it ticks down to 2 weeks, all the while slowly, slowly taking your clothes off…

then… tick 2 weeks tick


small tip for you jesse…


doesnt matter if she aint keepin in super fresh, cause you dont either i imagine…

do this, talk to her while you’re doing it, ask her shit, get better at it, keep doing it… things only get better.

ok go

ok update:

things went really well last night…

i went to her house, we passed out on the couch. Woke up at like 3am and she dragged me to her bed…

OMG… her bed is a king sized pillow, no joke it is the best furnature i have ever experienced.

No i didnt do anything with her besides cuddle/ kiss a few times.

woke up a little late and we drove to school… (btw did i mention she has a jeep charokee. tow vehicle anyone?)

i went and did my own thing with justin and lunch. Did more school thing (she was in both my class’s today) then i dropped her off at her appt.
told her i wasnt comin over tonight cause we gotta pace ourselves and she agreed… man this chick kicks…



keep this thread updated since we wont be seeing much of you anymore.

i hope the morning update will be just as eventful


Jessy was supposed to call me last night and hang out but he ditched me for his girlyfriend…i mean it would be ok if they were doing it but hes cuddling.

We are now over…lose my phone number

And hook me up with her roomate GIGGIDY GIGGIDY AAAAALRIGHT!!

His next post is gonna be we skipped 10 days and did it until the sun went down…Cuz jessy is a slut like that

i cant wait to talk about wet pig sex with jesse… he’ll start blushing and getting all embarrassed then blurt out inappropriate phrases to describe how he snapped his batch 3 minutes in.

