Sunoco 93 > Mobil 93

Sorry, try again.

wat? zong’s aids?

the same truck from the distributor probably stopped by both gas stations…

Someone make me a mod so I can stop the insanity.

i dont think they are working right still, everytime i click any of the sites all i get is a lame joke :gotme:

edit: also mobil 93 > sunoco 93 in cost, almost everytime.

AXIS aren’t labeled!

I’m beginning to doubt the validity of your sources…

i try to avoid mobil at almost all costs, but so far their diesel has been the best running in my jetta.

+1 to sunoco 93, and surprisingly delta sonic 93 ran awesome

Hint: You don’t ask to be a mod.

What happens is… if you are deemed fit, Pr0pel will make you an offer that you can’t refuse.

u mad?

So was the Sunoco 93 in when Curby McCurberson was running into your car??

Well, I won that day.


YES!!! You’re my NEW hero, Zong (you were 3rd on my list before, tops…)

actually anytime you hit a curb you win… i think that is a more accurate comparison. gas was meaningless

But, lemme blow your mind: What if Janny ran Sunoco 93 in her WRX??

At the same time as Zong??? Divide by 0, Nick!!!

Although I think you give the nod to Zong because he has a…


They did for the longest time, my audi with a 93 oct tune loved it
I was told one of the additives they used in the 94 was banned in NY or something like that. But that doesn’t sound right.

I’ve had best luck with the Kwik Fill gas (from PA is the rumor)…

But now that I drive the econobox, I buy whatever is cheapest, and it loves rez gas.

duh where you been white boi

delta sonic ftw


100 octane ftw