super charger vs.turbo charger

right…but…say he gets a 35R and uses it on a stock motor…he decides to then build the motor, making the 35R max out at like 4K and just blow piss hot air in the motor when he gets in the higher rpm band…see what i mean? you can take a supercharger and swap the pulley out for more power, with a turbo to make more power obv. you can raise the boost via boost controller, but once the turbo hits it max efficiency you’re gonna be hurting yourself and then you need to go bigger to make more power in the new turbo’s efficiency range…and besides anything smaller than a GT40 on an LT1 or LS1 is fucking stoopid because your gonna max the bastard out extremely quick, unless you twin turblow’d it, but then you’re talking lots of $$$…for the sake of arguement, supercharging a car is cheaper with respect to making more power for less $…i know what im trying to say but i dont know if i said it how i was thinking it or if i even made it sound half way intellegent lol

back on topic…for a better idea ask chuck (firehawk853) or bill (turbo_ls1) some of the pro’s and con’s of both setups…im sure they’ll both have a list of junk that makes them happy in their pants and a list of junk that makes them want to punch babies regarding their setup’s…