Super Size Me

the point of the movie was that foods like this are DANGEROUS so much that if you eat them like you would food at home, they will kill you. food like burger king and taco bell is even harmful in small amounts, especially because they contain extremely high amounts of sodium, saturated and trans fats.

I see people on here are saying, " I eat this food and I’m not FAT." well… your arteries are. and if they aren’t, you’re lucky. or you’re lucking for now at least. and no one is superhuman enough to not be affected by the massive amounts of chemicals they mix into their foods.

a lot of it is about portion sizes as well. if you eat large amounts of food at home, you’ll gain weight. if you eat mcD’s once or twice a day, you’ll gain weight. the difference is that mcD’s food contains fats that your body can’t break down, and tons of preservatives and other chemicals to make the food taste better to people and have a longer shelf life. ingredients that you should never expose yourself to.

take a look at what’s in wendy’s “chicken”:
that’s horrible. you shouldn’t feed this crap to your cat or dog.

the worst part is that people don’t care. or if do they care, they might have faith that people wouldn’t poison them with the things they sell them to eat… and they don’t check out the nutrition info, or maybe they don’t know where to look, or they might not know what trans fat IS. anyway. the guy who made that movie probably sacrificed more of his health than he even knows… and I appreciate that.

and the next time you sit down at a mcD’s to eat your biscuit and hashbrown or burger and fries, flip over that piece of paper on your tray.