Super Size Me

Actually, I wonder if the antioxidants and such in “healthy” veggies and other foods would hinder the negative affects of eating a diet full of junk. I bet it would, but not enough. I wonder how much, though. I see people buying shitty food all day. I want to say “GO GET SOME FUCKING PRODUCE–YOUR BODY WILL THANK YOU!”

No doubt, I see kids, and I am talking 2-6 years of age, who eat nothing but SHIT for food EVERYDAY.

It’s sick. They don’t know what they are eating. Granted half of these kids come from a family who do not get over weight for anything… Its still gross, and who knows what their future will hold.

I would never say anything to them, its not my place…but damn!

No, your whole point is that the food has shit in it that is bad for your health. Seafood has shit tons of heavy metals in it, including mercury, which can build up inside your body and cause all kinds of health problems. There is no difference between that and fast food.

You’re being a total dumbass with what you are saying. Think about it, by your logic, you could say that drinking nothing but pepsi and eating nothing for a whole month isn’t going to be healthy for you. Or eating twinkies for 30 days will make you feel like shit. Mcdonalds has a wide variety on their menu including salads, sandwiches, burgers, fries, fruit, dessert and so on. You can make it a 3 meal a day place. Eating fish 3 times a day for 30 days is totally different.

How often did he eat the salads, fruit, and other healthy options there? The fact is the whoel stupid concept was eating something bad for you nonstop for 30days will fuck up your health. Well no shit, there are lots of other foods that are just as bad for you and if you ate them nonstop for 30days would fuck up your health. So again, seafood contains harmful chemicals that build up in the body over time, so why dont we get warned about that? Everyone knows fast food is bad for you, reguardless if they know exactly how bad, they still know so its their own fault for eating it. Very very few people know the health risks of eating seafood, so how isnt that worse?

I’m not fat, so I am not blaming anyone for anything that has happened to me. But there is tons and tons of factual research out there saying that most americans do not have time to cook their own food and depend heavily on fast food. Do you disagree with this?

Ya and im not fat either. But you are still blaming the fast food companies for people’s health. Its no one’s fault but their own. If people dont have enough time to cook their own food or eat health its their own fault. Their are many healthy options out there people can choose instead of greasy fast food. So its retarded to try blaming the fast food industry. So i dont disagree that people depend on fast food, but i DO disagree with trying to blame fast food companies for people’s own bad choices and inablity to manage their lives and be able to eat normal food.

This just about sums up why I created this thread:

Take it how you will. This wasn’t meant to be a “THIS JUST IN!!! NEW DISCOVERY THAT FAST FOOD ISN’T HEALTHY”. Rather, it’s more about showing people how poisonous the ingredients in their food really is. And basically, it really isn’t that hard for these places to serve healthier food. But it’s all about making that dollar. Haven’t you guys noticed that the portions are getting smaller and smaller? Yet they charge they same amount if not more (including inflation) for their meals?

Idk, shit like that pisses me off. But what do I know? Im just thin, pretty fit and don’t like to get raped in the ass by monopolized companies serving poisonous foods :smiley:


yawn at everything you said previous to this.

Eat their what?

Bah, you beat me to it! :rofl:

For me it boils down to the philosophy that “Nothing has meaning until you give it meaning.” To me, the purpose/meaning of this movie was to create a message that might actually carry some weight with the general public. I do not interperet it as an objective documentary, but rather a shocking demonstration.

I would like to see a second movie based on taking an active guy and having him sit on his ass for a month. I couldn’t care less how scientifically objective it is, I’d rather just see something that could shock Americans into getting off their fat asses and getting their kids off of their fat asses. IMO the obesity problem in america is a two headed monster: Families don’t eat balanced meals anymore and kids entertain themselves with video games instead of running/jumping/throwing outside games.

yeah, video games and tv are a huge problem, too. i remember the days when i would actually go outside just to be outside and run around. now i just sit inside…thinking about when im going to play with myself again.

On a side note

Doctors also tell me that these pills will trap the fat and I will lose weight.

Doctors also tell me that so and so does this and so and so do that.

I’m sure if you paid a doctor enough they’d say anything.

Yeah, thats true. But lab test results don’t lie.

That actually makes it sound like you think this movie was a hoax and that mcdonalds food is really healthy. Wtf, howie!

edit- im pretty sure you are just trying to play devils advocate to the extreme. you have always seemed to like doing that with me for whatever reason. Wtf, howie!

wtf? Are You medicated today?

what are you wtfing about?

I am playing devils advocate to the extreme - because you are being very very extreme.

For example, no where did I imply, or even come CLOSE to implying, that Micky D’s shit was healthy… or as you say as I make it sound, “really healthy.”

When you put forth my implications, and falsify them to a rather “extreme” by using adjectives like “really”, people normally respond by nitpicking your posts and taking everything you say to the extreeeeeeme.
Correct, lab results don’t lie, but reactions to lab results can also be skewed.

Im not seeing the stadard PassMcGrass dry wit and Your posting hilarity has taken a serious efficiency drop…

You just outextremed me by using 2 very’s.

:lol: i just did a quick google image search for the word extreme and found this.
I thought it was fitting for who’s quoting me right now :smiley:

fuck you


:lol: riiiiiight you cant make the data fit what you want it to be :lol:

it’s not my fault, it’s google’s fault :lol:

jesus WacKdonalds is tearin this family apart