Supercharged RSX-S blowing smoke?

Well just a question, long story short, guy pinned it in his white RSX-s supercharged and when he did it ( i was right behind him), there was a cloud of black smoke so big and thick i could barely see, and it STUNK like emo. SO i was just wondering what would cause that?> is it untuned, thats my only guess considering i doubt its buring oil like mad, but i really dont know much about sc’rs.

anyways thoughts?

hahaahah it stunk like emo lmao hahahahahah thats fuckin great!!!

LOL, never heard that expression before.

Could be running really rich. If it is Aarons old car (from 780) he always had problem with Vacuum leaks which would cause it. Or his powersteering hose cracking from hitting his hood, and it was being burnt off

well he had true car forum stickers, so i checked out the site and i belive it is this one really nice car, and seemed pretty damn fast, no comment on the driving though…

yah and sorry to sound like a ‘newb’ but how would vacum hose leaks cause the smoke, does that make it run rich?

Actually if it was black smoke, it was unburned fuel coming out of the exhaust. Look at any diesel truck leaving from a stop and you’ll see what I mean. :slight_smile:

Translation, Unburnt Fuel = Free Fuel, so just switch on your Loop Button for your Interior and use that fuel for yourself!

Ok, I know it doesnt work but I like to make these untuned guys feel worse…

I remember in a JDM Option DVD a Supra revving its engine and it almost resembled a chipped diesel.