Supplements, whats your stack?

jesus dude u really should counter that test-E with some deca or winstrol u gotta be horny as fuck all the time

dude, I was a chef and took nutrition courses for 4 years and I have to say… you know a shitton huge amount about supplements and vitamins!

for real, it’s craaaaazy

ugh, machine benching /= real benching.

yeah but I compensate for that, I did 245 x2 on bench

test-e isnt a supplement or a vitamin…

what exactly does it do?

im just on a post workout supplement Dark Matter shits amazing look into it

i dont know if im breaking ny rules by doing this but testosterone ethenate or “test-e” is the most widely prescribed testosterone for the many diseases which call for it eg. muscular distrophy, AIDS, bone cancer and several others. There are a few other kinds of testosterone but when most people get into cycling this what they start out with. Also, since synthetic anabolic steroids drain u of testosterone, many bodybuilders will supplement the test-e in to bring the levels back up. Testosterone isnt very dangerous as long as used properly and mostly deals with muscle recovery, but will obviously make u horny as hell, and possibly a little more agressive, but that is rare.

FAIL!!! go find a real bench and report back… I bet you’ll be lucky to get 185.

when I go to the gym tonight I’ll try a couple max reps on the machine (which I never use) just to see what I can do.

How do I obtain this stuff? do i need a RX?

:word: Machines are definitely not accurate vs. free weights. Most I can do for shoulder presses with dumbells is 70’s and I can do 200 pounds on the machine variation more easily which is nearly 50% more.

EDIT: To thread starter, I take a multi, fish oils, and whey.

to get it legally u will need a script. and since i dont feel like getting banned we will stop there

Good call. :eyebrow: Nobody’s going to accidentally themselves on my watch.


ok, so I jumped on the bench machine thing after running a couple miles and got 265… then I tried to max the thing out at 320(?) a couple times and failed so I moved on.

so my actual bench for this week is about 80lbs less than on the machine.

Whiskey, all types.