Suspension issue

so i picked up a set of stock suspension and installed them as i normally would but for some reason the car now sits with almost a foot gap between tire and fender and thats on 17" rims… the suspension was from a S13 convertible and my car is a S13 hatch… there shouldnt be a differance… right? weird thing its only the fronts… the rears sit more or less stock… but the fronts look rediculous! any ideas?? maybe seized front dampers?


a foot? with 17"? impossible lol.

i would say a seized strut. not much else can cause excessive height. at least not that much

ok im exagerating a bit but its at least 6-7inches… ill try and get pics later

4-6 inches seems normal, it might just be that those particular stock strut springs haven’t had any weight on them for a while and need time to sag?

well i kinda figured you were exaggerating. yet still. 6-7" of wheel gap? i’m assuming your running a 35-40 series tires? so in reality your probably an inch?? over size compared to stock. so you should not have gap issues. change the front struts. or atleast take them back out and remove the springs from the strut and feel out the strut.

possible someone replaced the springs with a higher compression rate? wrong springs???

thanks i’ll just look for another set, was hoping for some sorta quick fix but might as well just swap the fronts. thanks again!

not a problem.

well stock ride height for a 240 is like 6 inches isnt it?

so it sounds reasonable to me. must look a little ridiculous though…

Without going out to check my car, I’d say the stock gap is about 4 inches, not 6. That’s just me guessing, though. Problem is probably the springs. Anyway, definitely get a pic so we can see it and give you better input.

I have a great idea. TAKE A PIC!

problem has been resolved…

it’s either a seized strut or wrongs springs. he has a wtb thread looking for complete struts.

If the man says so, close this thread.

lol but is there an engine in your car?

yes the car has an engine… no the car is not on jack stands, and i measured it its exactly 6" attached is a pic…

wow man, that really is a lot of gap for the front portion of the car…

something is definitely up with the struts\springs.

get your money back if your not satisfied my friend has a 90 hatch with 18s and it has a gap about that big but he put new springs on and theyr very firm so that may be your problem

I once changed my front tires, same size tire, and my car was stuck with that huge gap for two days then it went away. down to id say 3 inches.