A fellow rider got his yellow and red 2000 Suzuki RM 250 stolen from Quail st. If anyone has any information please call 518-421-9014 It has Metal Mulisha decals/symbols on the rear number plaque, black and yellow grips, Maxima decals on the rear and front fenders and black and red Suzuki decals on the tank. Lets help this kid get his bike back so our’s might not be next. He is offering a cash reward although the amount is not specified.

pictures would help

what’s the date/time of the theft?

Not suprised on quail street… out of a garage or out in the open?

a friend of mine posted this on facebook, hope he gets it back soon. let me know if the link doesnt work.

sorry to hear, will keep an eye out.


I’d look into the neighborhood around Ontario just before Madison Ave. I had 3 bikes and a quad stolen out my garage over there. They found the quad after the kid ran on it and it stalled. He ditched it and ran into a house on the same street. I talked to the people next door and they been ridding all day there. Never got the bikes back.

I hate theives:banghead. I had a bike stolen in 1972 in Houston TX when I made a detour to visit a friend while on a cross country trip.
I wish him luck on finding it.
The Houston police told me to just collect my insurance and go home.:’(