Swine Flu Attack -BETA TEST!-

LOL, pshh

If I go first, then I’ll be a super zombie, that retains all previous memory and sanity. BRING IT:p lolz.

But srsly, I think this is getting way too out of hand. The only people that died from this were already sick with other viruses and or had other complications that I can’t think of/remember atm. Personally, I believe that Obama secretly made amens with all the world leaders to increase public health, so what was the best way to do it? Scare everyone into being healthy. Also, to keep people out of Mexico, since the drug trafficing is crazy out of hand.

I know for a fact that there are enough people out there that think twice now before doing alot of things. Like sneezing or coughing without concealing that shit, or eating without cleaning your hands first. Idunno, maybe I’m overthinking it…