27 confirmed in Canada, 7 of in Ontario.
meh, i wouldnt be too worried, odds of getting it are next to f-all, and even worse to die from it. sides, no dirty mexicans up here, lol.
US has been trying to keep people out of Mexico for a while now, trying to come up with as much crap as possible. The media loves to report death and disease, and the population eats it up just as fast as they can throw it out there. Sounds like a pile of crap to me, just another ‘hey, lets control the population with fear’ scheme. My $0.02
Here in Greece they have cancelled all incoming flights from Mexico and are dening access into Greece to anyone that has been to Mexico in the last 2 weeks who is flying in from any other contry other then Mexico and this includes residents of Greece,… so even the Greeks that went to Mexico for holidays can’t get back in their own contry! LOL They are like temerary refugees! LOL The are Greek medical refugees LOL! …They have to get checked by a doctor to be granted access back to Greece and when they come here they get quarantined then checked out and then released.
where i live its all Chinese and Indians. and they were gloves and masks 24/7 anyways… so i figure im fairly safe, well me and the other 3 white ppl
Anyone getting it in Canada is fine. Chilllll. Its the flu. People are dying off in mexico because their probably unhealthy to begin with.
very true
but it would still suck if you got it here cuz you have to be qaurentined off from everyone and anyone until your over it, and youde be tested like mad to confirm its fully out of your system
is that relay what they do? i need a vacation… who’s got some swine flue i can buy?
i swear i wont low ball
…to much.
crazy mexicans and their Chilupas
On CNN it said 35,000 people a year die in the U.S from the seasonal flu, so I’m not to worried about it.
100% bullshit.
makes you wonder what the real news is that they are bullshitting the world with a meaningless, nonsensical flu.
wow 150 died in Mexico? i bet more people died from drunk drivers and meth overdoses over the same period.
i could walk around mexico naked for a week and make out with all the whores and still not get swine flu.
100% bullshit.
i had some extra servings of pork schnitzel today to celebrate swine flu
mm mmm good
kinda like the erase program? 14 ppl die in 15 years and they make a task force.
I just hope they lift them travel bans sooner than later. I’ve got a wedding coming up there and want to do some deep sea fishing.
Fuck… now that I think about it, its probably pretty fucking cheap to go on vacation to Mexico!
I bet I can get a nice one week vacation at a 4.5 or 5 star hotel for $500 or less.
mark when u taking me
Well, you know that you gotta take off your clothes first right?
^^ you want peter to take his clothes off ?
im down, mark is a gentle lover
What did this thread turn into?