Swithing BACK to conventional oil from synthetic

My SHO has been running on synthetic oil from 15,000-200,000 miles. I have the motor apart last night to do some maintentance and the condition of the engine was incredibly well. But I’m sick of nearly $7 a quart for syn. oil…any negatives to switching back to conventional oil???

Fuck, mix em half and half. It doesn’t matter. The only negatives are from losing the benefits of synthetic. “Switching” doesn’t matter.

I only run the $7/qt synthetics in the summer time when I am doing a lot of racing. In the winter, I will either run cheapy mobil or a blend.

Run the motorcraft 5w30 oil, its semi syn and under 2.50 a quart.

I’m running the 5w20 in my f150 with excellent results.

It looks like it did your engine well, why switch?


Somedude has been using that on his SHO for years now at near 230k miles with a turbo. There are no issues that you will see and it’s pointless on that motor to be dumping that money into oil when there are no issues using conventional oil with it. You can still just about eat off his valvetrain.

Stop being a cheap and run the good stuff. It works out to about $1.44 a day extra it’s costing you.

12000 miles a year, 4000 mile change interval = 3 oil changes in a year.
3 x 5quarts x $7 = $105
3 x 5quarts x $2 = $30

Besides that, if you buy it by the case at BJ’s it’s less than $7 a quart (Mobil 1)

EDIT: Warning, don’t do math high on nyquil. It’s .21 a day.

Walmart moble 1 gallon jugs for $20

Walmart has the cheapest Mobil 1, even cheaper than BJs

I think they are 5 quart jugs, but I could be wrong. Either way
about 5 dollars a quart or less. If your changing it yourself I would
go with the good stuff. If you get it changed they probably will
charge you for synthetic and put in regular so I wouldnt pay
extra for it.

lol why would you switch if you have proof its working… spending a couple more dollars on a quart of oil won’t seem so bad when u spin a few bearings by switching back :stuck_out_tongue:

you’re right it is 5 quarts. Metric system FTW. Either way i bought 6 quarts at bjs for close to 30. Since you have to pay for BJs, lol, I would definitely stick with the walmart price.

its not really that expensive… y switch…

Lots of good points in here…thanks for the replies.

$1.44 a day?

$105-$30 = $75 difference per year

$75/365(days per year) = $0.21 per day.

I see, you meant week, caught you sleeping at the calculator again :stuck_out_tongue: .

I have switched all my cars to Mobil 1. Just because it is Walmart cheap and I will only run it one race weekend in the race car so then I will put the used oil in the beater…

Mobile 1 has gone wayyyyyy downhill, in terms of quality control. Enough so that I can see the difference in temp and pressure on my gauges. Switched to Redline near the end of the summer for the track car. Daily I’ll probably use Mobile 1 or something else cheap.

I have heard a rumor that Amsoil is the old (good) Mobil 1 formula, any confirmation?

I am not really too awfully concerned right now, but if I get a built engine that will change.

Fucker. :lol:

In my defense, I’m on nyquil and barely functioning right now. :stuck_out_tongue:

No real reason to change back. Especially for the cost difference,

Though, You won’t see any immediate problems, the overall life expectancy will drop.

Mobil 1 or Royal Purple Nurple

Royal Purple is complete and utter trash.

please expand, as Ive had good experiences with it.