Uh oh. I think someone done got called the fuck out.



oooooooooo i wana come and see the carnage!



in just to see the response to this

i smell a “oh well um durr my car isnt ready to race um yea but i’ll whoop you at some other time not to be mentioned now nor ever” i bet he no longer responds, offer on the table guys time to man up and DEWWWWWWW ITTTTT

Name the date. I’ll put another $500 that you don’t show. Turbo ls1 is the only one i have respect for as he’s the only one that will man up. All the rest of you will dick ride till the day you die.

yes, because i can so run you when the vehicle has no motor :bloated:

not gonna lie, your an idiot

cya in spring :wave:

will it shut u the fuck up if i put my motor back in my car come out there and race u. i just dont want turbols1 to have to waste his gas driving out there. i think i get like double what he gets… if ur down let me know how much money u have in ur bank account and will do a pull.:D:D

i love everyone

pick me up, ill pay for gas:D

kev u come too ill pull ur car with mine that way will have a cool crew showing up

Will it shut me up if you come down here? Yes. Thats all i’ve been trying to do is get some people down here to race. I’m not going to race you for everything i got in my bank account i have a family to take care of. If you want to race for $500 thats fine.

do you wanna pick me up?

do you wanna pick me up?

do you wanna pick me up?

do you wanna pick me up?

do you wanna pick me up?

do you wanna pick me up?

do you wanna pick me up?

do you wanna pick me up?

Heads up not from a roll. This is a drag race so i hope your little turbo civic can hook on those bfg’s. I think the only thing you got going for you is that gsr LSD.

Its fuckin late december and this guy wants to know why people arent about to drive to syracuse to race him.

possibly cuz most care arent together anymore… and its going to be a day worth of driving round trip just to race for a minute

Well you all decided to talk shit in december. Maybe next time you guys will want to race at the beginning of summer.

ive gone from a dig once or twise before will see how it goes.

i still dont understand why u would stay on a site where everyone hates you and thinks that u suck, ur car sucks, ur family sucks, ur friends suck, and that ur life sucks. pack ur shit up and call it a day, go hang out with ur sweet friends and their SIQQQ whips.

Are you trying to run him with my old stang ???

if soo … your gonna run outta gear … esp. if ya spray him …