t-mobile situation

Yes I agree that she is a 'tard for not returning it soon and she is also a 'tard for signing up for it in the first place since she already has a phone. It was explained to her that it was just a trial and that if she didnt like it then she could return it. If she did like it tho, to just keep it and she would automatically enter herself into a 1 yr contract. The salseman also said she had 2 saturdays to return it. She took that as she could return it Yesturday. Why did she return it so late? Because shes an idiot and kept forgetting it. In all seriousnes she could have returned it the day after she got it but she “didnt get around to it”.

Next question then:

My Mom lives in Tampa FL and she said that if Jenny cant return the phones, then she would take over the contracts so that her and my sis could have a family plan thing. Do you all think that this is a possibility? Is it possible to change the phone numbers so that its not a 716 number? How does that work when people move and they are already in a plan?

thank u all for your help

wow thats a shady salesman. thats nothing i would ever do, or would let happen in my store.

i would let his manager and managers manager know

yes, you should be able to switch the numbers to a FL number, and do a transfer of liability to you mom’s name/info without any penalties.

she already had a phone!!??:smash2: lol

next question: why are you living in ruffalo if ur moms is pimpin down in florida??

If you knew my mom, you’d understand. MidgeX knows. She nuts.

Both phones need to have the same area code to get the family plan. So your sis here in Buffalo would have to have a FL number or vise versa.

The stupidity in this thread amazes me.

not true. ive had a 716 number while someone else on the family plan had a 917 number.

although, for some companies this is true. vzw, for the most part, requires the same area code. although recently ive seen people be able to get 585 and 716 together.

I just got a t-mobil phone and I was told the exact same thing… If I didnt like it or whatever, I had 14 days to return it (but after that I was stuck in a one year contract)

You idiots. You sign the one year contract, you have 14 days to get out of the contract if you don’t like it. It’s not the other way around. They don’t give you anything until you sign on the dotted line.

Didn’t read the whole thread, so whatever… BUT…

IF SHE KNEW that it was a 14 day trial, and she signed a something saying that she’d be in a contract for a year unless she returned the phones in that 14 days, I don’t understand why she’s confused. She kept the phone longer than 14 days. She knew that. I don’t think it matters if it’s just a day, it’s longer than 14 days. She’s going to have to deal with it. And I’m sure she can cancel out of the contract, and end up paying a disconnection fee or something like that.

Why don’t people follow the rules?

some people apparently should not procreate.

because she’s a woman and she’s stupid.

now, how much is it a month, and whats the minutes?

Interesting, me and my GF tried getting the family plan through t-mobile. I have a Buffalo area code, and she a NYC. They said it had to be the same…

Situation soon to be resolved.

depends on the company from what ive seen.

now to satisfy my own curiosity why in the world would anyone get tmobile???

ugh the phone i had was cutting out in my buddies house by south campus!! seriously i dont understand some people.

:shrug: I havent had a single problem with reception and Tmobil. I actually like the service ALOT better than cingular and sprint (plus, it’s not as expensive with the options I want)

maybe he’s got a shitty phone?