Tmobile workers?

Anyone work for T-mobile? I moved out of buffalo and now my reception is horrible, i get 2 bars max, usually 1bar or no bars. Is there any clause in the contract that will let me end it because of this or am i screwed until february?

ur pretty much screwed.

Could be worse, contract could have been up in october of 06…

Call. If you’re no longer in an area that they say should be covered then you can get out. Pissed me off. I couldn’t wait to get out of my T-Mobile contract. The service is retardedly awful. I called them about it and they said that I’m listed as being in a covered area so I can’t get out of the contract. “That’s great that your little piece of paper says I have service, my cell phone says I don’t!” When I switched to Verizon it seriously took me like a month to get used to making a phone call without it dropping at least once. When I was with T-Mobile I had better reception on the southeast coast of Africa than I did in West Seneca. Seriously, I was able to make clearer calls from Windhoek, Namibia than from West Seneca, NY.

Sorry, started to rant. Call them and find out if you’re in what they say is a covered area. If you’re not then you should be allowed out. I’m sure you’ll have to bitch and fight somewhat, but there’s a chance.

t mobile is cool if you make frequent trips to europe and need a phone with gsm, other than that it suxors,

I’m sticking with Verizon

maybe it’s your phone? I get great reception with tmobil around the area

its not the phone, ive tried 3 different phones and they all suck. Im not in buffalo anymore, i moved to NW philly and now reception is horrible.

oh… I see what you mean. Then I’d just call them and tell them you refuse to pay for a phone that you cant use.

lol. they love hearing that when they have a signed contract.

you can refuse all you want. legally, you agreed to pay. this is why you think to yourself “self, is this phone gonna work for me the entire time im in contract, even if i possibly move?” instead of “whats the lowest i can pay?”

when you sign a year contract, you want to make sure the phone is gonna work for a year. with tmobiles coverage area, if there is the possiblity of moving, i wouldnt chance it, unless you have tried it where you are moving.

//yes i know some people like the service. i can’t understand how, as i have tried their service for a few months and was appalled (sp?) at the coverage. im simply trying to give advice.