t-mobile situation

My GF got a 14 day trial phone contract thing where she has 14 days to try out T-mobile phone/service and if she doesnt like it then she could return it within those 14 days. If she didnt return it tho, then she enters herself into a 1 year contract. Well she went to return it today and today was day 15 and they wouldnt let her return. There were actually 2 phones, 1 for her and 1 for her sis, but both were on a "family plan under her name.They wont let her return it now because of the 1 day. Does anyone have any connections or have any ideas?

Sorry, I sold my time machine on Ebay a week ago…

that sounds like a nice scam to me. If you dont return it on the dot you are AUTOMATICALLY bound to a 1 year contract. Thats bullshit and I cant believe that is even legal.

If I were you I would walk in there with 2 witnesses and put the phones on the counter and say fuck you.

The I would call t-mobile… ask for a manager and tellt hem what you just did, at what store, and you want it on record. The end.

Why didnt you just return it 1 day earlier to get rid of this problem?

jenny is fux0r3d if u will :slight_smile:

um, thats standard. violator, how would that not be legal? i dont work for tmobile, but every single time i do an activation for a customer, i let them know, every single time, that they have 14 days to try everything out, and can return it within that 14 days and not be locked in.

she signed a legal contract when she got the phones. she knew she had 14 days to return them. she waited till day 15. how is this bullshit/tmobiles fault?

The salesman told her she had 14 days. He NEVER said that the first day started when it was activated. He said that she had 2 Saturdays to return them. Based upon his explanation, Yesturday would have been day # 14.

why would you not think it started when it was activated?

yea the 2 saturdays explanation would be confusing, but thats why you watch who you buy from, in terms of the company and the salesman. some guys will say anything to get the sale.

anyways, i hope you get it taken care of. i was horribly dissapointed with tmobile’s reception when i had a sidekick.

some salesmen are just dumb too/ havnt been fully and/or properly trained/ dont fully understand the policies

Sounds to me like someone didnt read what they signed. I am pretty sure that it would say 14 days from activation date. I dont imagine on the 14th Day she had suddenly decided she didnt want it, so why wait til the last minute?

thats their policy

Why didnt you just return it 1 day earlier to get rid of this problem? they told you! there is no surprise



See, thats the same impression I got from the initial post. I completely understand if she had knowingly signed a 1 Year contract AND THEN was told she had 14 days to change her mind.

From the initial post is sounded like she was getting a equipment/service trial ONLY.

If the salesman was unclear in getting that information across then they have every right to get out of the contract.

I think you’re SOL, but good luck.

If she signed a 1 year contract [with a 14 day refund] she’s bound, legally. However I would call T-mobile and hash it out with them. If people are saying “no can do” keep asking for someone higher than them, and eventually someone will be nice/annoyed enough to give her a refund.

yea, you do not get that 14 day trial without a contract. its not a “once the 14 days is up, then everything starts” its “everything starts now, but we give you a grace period of 14 days to return everything and cancel your agreement”

from my 2 years + experience in the retail/customer service part of the wireless industry, i highly doubt you will get out of this without paying an ETF. best of luck to you though.

i really don’t see why there is ANY confusion here… 14 day return policy… you brought it back on day 15… your are shit out of luck… make sense?

why try to find a way out of it now… you have 2 whole weeks to test it out… not happy within 2 weeks… return it ON TIME…

guess understanding a 14 day return policy is hard for people to understand…

:tup: evolve for explaining…

yeah the general concensus here is correct, why the fuck would u go in on day 15 to return when u know that u only have 14 days? good luck tryin to get out of it but its her fault.

yeah man, jenny is at fault here. she 1) shoulda known that it starts at activiation, that is obvious imo
and 2) not wait till last minute to do it.