Tactical 12ga shotgun with folding stock

very nice backing your friend james too bro, well done to you too… Didnt he used to fix all your shit for free before you got into your accident and got all your money and then you shitted on him? Dont wanna start a shit storm again, but I back my friends whether im right or wrong… This time the fuck was telling the truth about the wife having him by the balls.

RUT ROH You focusing on me now. OH NOES

James is my buddy. Sucks Mofo couldnt sell the gun to him, whatever. James said hes over it, so cool. It was you going after him, just like you do, and him proving you wrong. If I could rep over and over I would.

Ill buy the shotgun for 315 right now…

not focusing on you, hence why i said i didnt wanna start another shit storm. I was going after him bc his facts didnt add up and even though he still fucked james over I respect the fact he came through and im gonna sell his house i have on here for free now.

A+ thread, this is keeping me entertained at work today

My wife has me by the balls because she supports my addiction to guns and forbid me to get rid of one? You need a relity check… I proved you wrong, all the BS, and all the drama you said proves you have no credibility. Keep acting like a goon and you’ll be treated like a goon…

what credibility are you referring to? I’ve backed up absolutely every single claim against me instantly juustt like the before and after dyno on your promised results f1 tune scam… Your credibility was being tested here with the shotgun, not mine… A

Solid thread, A++++

A+ thread.

I HONESTLY didn’t think bigmofo still had the shotgun. LOL’d at picture.

AGAIN, that teaches me to STOP judging people and situations before I have all the facts. + rep to shift for making me a better person.

“Boss” I honestly find it quite comical that you jump in here like you own the place slinging mud all over like you are some kind of boss or something just to get shut down and proved wrong I hope you use this as a lesson towards future situations like this… FYI you look like a douche bag… It wasn’t very nice to start calling me names and using language like you did… I know you think you “are a boss” but honestly, you will earn people’s respect much easier if you leave out all this show BS and just act real…

As far as the “f1 tune scam”, I am no longer affiliated with that business. We did have many cars that got Dyno proven improvements. We offered you the option to return your car to stock and give you a full refund but again you thought you were a boss and had to a t like a big bad tough guy saying you wipe you ass wih $500 and you didn’t want to bother with it (from what I can remember).

We tuned $100,000 cars and never had a complaint or issue… You were the first. We offered to make it right like good business people and the show was more important to you than the $… How did that work out for ya?

here lets get this out of the way now so you can finally shut the fuck up… I and other people still truely believe you dont own that gun anymore like i said earlier… You could have sold it to a friend, family member or even the original shift member that said he wanted it after james did, but well never know… i honestly was going to ask for your license next to a pic of the gun as I know what you look like, but thought the shift518 would suffice… You did it and thats awesome and because you did it im tryyyinngg to shut up, but your forcing me to keep going… #2 I am a fucking boss, im the boss of my relationship, im the boss of my business, im the boss of my life unlike yourself… Im good at what the fuck I do and enjoy it… Your close to twice my age and have achieved close to half of what I have from working hard… Last, when I did the f1 tune i was very bored of my car, hence why I did it… It was very expensive to modd my car and there were fery limited turbo/supercharger kits that were cost effective… The reason I have a little money is because im smart with it… Regaurdless, when I did the f1 tune my car was for sale, when i dyno’d it and lost power I had an offer on the car… It was either get $11,000 for a car that booked for like $6k or get my $500 back and not sell the car… That EXACT day me and nedz32 drove the car down the CT and sold it, because the 11,000 was much more important. You saw the before dynograph and you saw the after dynograph, i should have got my money back regaurdless, i waisted $500 for a tune that costed you nothing and i spent $150 on dynos.

You are 15 years old? Im not even 30 yet… You think you’ve done twice what I have? Im laughing in your face right now and if you were here i would laugh in it even harder. I have a beautiful home (which I own) beautiful cars and trucks and trailers, an amazing wife and 2 kids that are top notch. im living the dream… I have a college education and I have a great career in which im secure in… I have been the General Manager of 2 successful companies and I have accomplished very much for my age… Just because I talk like I am older and act like I am older dosent mean im that old…

You think acting like a fucking asshat on SHIFT518.com is impressing anyone? Im sure half these guys are laughing at you just like I am…

You continue being the boss of your relationship WITH YOURSELF and see where that gets you in life…

How old are you?

Ohh, and let me quote this so you dont change anything…

lololol, dude, u look like your in your mid 40’s, not just saying that bc your a douche, you look OLDD. im not on shift to impress anyone, im on shift bc i enjoy this website, MOST of the people on this website and the effect it has on burning time while im sitting at work all day doing nothing.

At least your good for something… DOING NOTHING…

Now, you were telling me how much better you are then me… Do tell, I’m anxiously waiting.

As long as it makes me money, ill sit here and do nothing forever… what would you like to know? cock size is 7.2", balls vary in size depending on the time of day, my ass is pretty hairy, but i shave it like once a month, my cock area is shaven weekly however, im 5"8 220 pounds, fucked your mom last night, have a house near union college, have a business in colonie, jim jones is my third cousin and I went to nyack middle school which in rockland county, come at me bro

You think you are a fucking tough guy talking about my mom, you overstepped a boundry and I’ll give you one opportunity to make it right.

:ohnoes dont sit on me bro, please

Don’t worry, I’ll catch up with you. Keep acting like a tough guy you piece of dog shit.