Tail of the Dragon

THEO you lazy ass, it took you more than 1/2 year to upload this killer vid! lol

Glad to see the s14 in action, it definitely makes me miss mine.

PS: Also makes me miss the s14 with ka-t, LOVE the torque.

Haha, I had to save something interesting for the off-season! It is hard to find a video host that will host something longer than 10 minutes. I just wish I could get it hosted in higher quality… I just watched the original on my parents new TV, you can really tell the speed there!

And yeah, torque is where it’s at!

Hey theo know anything about the MX-3?
Whats all done to it modifitcation wise?
ZE swapped?

Very cool video Theo, those roads look like alot of fun, but alot of trouble if you dont know what your doing lol…the tree of shame…damn

That was a sweet vid. Good job Theo and the driving was great too. When that cop came around the corner even I was like “OH Shit” it was like I was there. I hate it when cops just pop up like that.

Your BOV is a Greddy, which one is it. I got a Greddy type RS but yours sounds real nice, loud too!

Smitty, I don’t really know too much about the MX-3, but he does have the KLZE dropped in. He was a new addition to the road trip this year. It’s pretty quick.

Lucas, thanks man! Yeah, dangerous fun. After seeing how blind that one corner was I wouldn not attempt a pass there agian…

John, Haha, that cop scared me big time too! And I re-live it every time I watch the vid. He was actually shaking his finger at me. The BOV is a Type S

ok i vote for a road trip up there.

That won’t end well. There’s guaranteed one person in a big enough group to do something stupid.

Best thing you can do is venture up with a couple friends, who you know CAN drive. Take it easy and enjoy.

Otherwise I can see someone with no proper setup attempt this and end up 20 feet off into a ditch. I personally wouldn’t attempt it with stock suspension, It’s to unpredictable.

^ I agree with Martina. Not the kind of road you’d wanna drive with a big cruise, unless it was something on the scale of Rotaryfest or whatever that RX-7 one was that did it with escorts etc…

This is a weekend adventure with some good friends and a camera… Like Theo did.

Also, watched the whole video, and no, I can honestly say we don’t have roads with that many switch backs, but the speed limits are higher, and there’s less traffic/cops. Plus the tail looked like it’d be more fun on a bike. Definitely one of those things to do before you die…

martina and pete are right, but i only expect the OGs would go, and those who want to go but cant drive/dont have reliable cars wont be invited sorry to say, i just think its a better idea to cruse up with ppl that know there cars as well as your car inside and out… so if anyone wants to go this summer im in…

Yeah, you guys have it bang on… Small groups are where it’s at for something like this. Large groups attract more attention too.

You could attempt this in a stock suspensioned car, you would just have to take it easy.

I am looking forward to going back although I’m not sure when that will be. I’m good for a while now :slight_smile:

It’s kinda like Skiing at Whistler Blaccomb, once you go there, nothing around here will ever compare.

LOL… That’s funny!..I have the same theory about European women!

does not compute!

hardy har har, mike you kill me

Sorry for the revival, but I was just searching my old posts and found this one.

I still don’t know how to embed… tried it a couple times.

This soothes the turbo withdraw a little bit. I do still have an s chassis to mess around with this winter though.

deals gap, cherohala, robbinsville, etc… that entire area just got 15" of snow or more

snow rally?

letsss gooo

You can view the road on google street view.

I wanna go there SOOO badly lol

^maybe this weekend will be good… around here…

Has anyone beat the time attack record recentlly in a car? I think those days are long gone by the sounds of it.

As much as I would love to touch that road, one misjudgement in my car-shifting into 3rd at the wrong time-would give me too much torque, pushing my car into the guardrail. Definitely a high stakes road that I wouldn’t want to touch without impeccable throttle control and foot work.

I think that road would be a ton of fun in an FD though. Less torque, higher rpm range.

that road is also fun with your knees dragging on the ground :):slight_smile: