Taking Apart DSM turbo (pics)

Pics I took when taking apart DSM turbo.

Vlads first turbo project:
PS: Is there something wrong with this picture :ponder

If you start from the bottom it will make more sense.

Typical 14b gone to shit. I’ve thrown more of those out than I’ve rebuilt on the VSR here at the shop. Turbine housing is junk, CH is junk.

woahhhh sick bov on the manifold yoooo

Paging Sean to thread.

Oh and future reference for those doing this…hammer to tap turbine out of CH is nono. Shaft bends .001" and it’s done, which a misplaced hammer tap can easily do. Used hand pressure, the piston ring will release…

Post more pics next time, plz.

:rofl ok mr.ihaveaniMacimsoawesomeplz


your lucky dsm’s and reliability go hand and hand. Oh wait…

any car can be reliable. it all depends on who the previous owners were.

Not always the case. My mom had a Caravan and it was constantly fucking up and it was maintained. The steering column went bad, it ate brakes and the tranny went bad in traffic at 47k. Something was always fucked up. She got it brand new.

^^^must have been a dodge

shows you arent the only one in your family who cant pick cars.

dkid’s statement about DSM’s is what people who dont know about them say. if you are dumb and cut corners, itll break. if you abuse it constantly something will break. i know plenty of people who have built and daily driven 400+whp DSM’s(talons,eclipse’s, lasers) without a problem other than normal maintenance. how is that possible? quality parts, attention to detail, following directions.

I can honestly say you are completely wrong. Those people who modify their dsm’s and daily drive them might be good mechanics but 99% are just lucky

My grandmother bought it for my parents after her brother died and left her his life insurance. My dad picked it out after I told him not to get another Chrysler van because they had one before it that was a POS.

sooo your dad suckered himself?

right. you are :retardclap

Yeah, he can be an idiot when buying something.
The van was a hideous color and a lemon right from the beginning.

lol, kinda like the stang??? jkjkjkjkj k