Taking bank xfer as payment?

I sold my motor, and the kid wanted to do a bank transfer. So how does that work, I just give him my account number? If so, what are the security issues involved?

i wouldn’t give him your account number personally. I’d give your bank a call and see how they typically handle stuff like this

it would seem to me that there are plenty of better, more secure ways of going about this. PayPal, money order, cashier’s check…and if he wants to do a bank transfer, then he obviously has the money so why can’t he just give you cash??

because he lives in virginia.

he wants the motor soon as his is blown, but doesn’t have paypal.

how long does it take to sign up for paypal, 5 minutes? I don’t feel comfortable letting anyone know my bank account numbers. I don’t even want to send a personal check for one of the things I have to pay for, just in case.

Have your bank and his bank talk about a wire transfer, your bank will get it all setup. All you need to do is have his bank call someone at your bank or vice versa.


When I bought my M3 after all the bullshit the seller put me through we ended up going that route after I had possession in NY with the car.

He was such a terrible seller it wasn’t even funny, ask MPD he knows the whole story… sigh.