talk about a punch in the stomach

BikerFry is 100% right.

Stop talking to her. Not only are you making it harder on yourself, but you’re making it easier on her. She’s already trying to move forward (the right way or the wrong way… that doesn’t matter) and you’re gonna make her HATE you, leaving NO chance of EVER wanting her to even talk to her anymore. She will forget about the 8 years you were together, and the good times and only remember you hounding her and putting guilt trips and seeking “revenge” on her, and you seemingly acting like an asshole. That is all she will remember is how awful you treated her at the end of it all.

Who knows… maybe in the future when you’ve both got your lives together, lived a little, dated a few people, and meet up again down the road you’ll remember what you had for those 8 years and get back together.

Only time will tell on that, but in the meantime, you’ve gotta do whats best for you and not focus 100% of your mind on that. And try to leave a good taste in her mouth, and say goodbye the right way. She knows what you had and so do you… leave it in good standings however you can. Making her hate you at the end is something you will regret. I know I regret every second for 6 months, after my first long-term, trying to make myself feel better by making her feel worse. It didn’t help, and it won’t help you. I still look back and wish I did it differently to this day.

But… on a good tone…
Spring time is coming, NYspeeders are here, and we all plan on meeting up and having lots of fun in the warm times to come! She couldn’t have picked a better time! Be thankful its not october heading into winter! That’s the worst…