talk about a punch in the stomach

we all know > [SIZE=2]girls[/SIZE]

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:121,topic:26974"”]

we all know

> [SIZE=2]girls[/SIZE]


no no > [SIZE=2]girls[/SIZE]

im pretty sure theres close to a grand in booze there so i guess its equal

Bah… if shes already moved on then you are better off without her. Sorry to hear it, but now its time to put on the man boots and move on yourself.

It takes time, but it should be easier now knowing you can’t get back together.

You should realize that you’re one step ahead of everyone else that’s your age. You’ve had an 8 year relationship! You now understand what it’s about… whereas all other 21 year olds have no idea!

Also… YOU"RE 21! You’ve been practically married forever! Go out and actually learn what its like to be single, so later in life you don’t regret it like my brother!

He was in the same situation as you, and married his high school sweetheart. Sure, he’s married… but, whenever I mention “that time when…” he gets pissed that he never got to experience it.

In time, I promise everything will be OK with you. We’ve ALL been there… and I mean ALL. It always ends up OK, and you find someone else.

Life’s an adventure. Don’t forget your boots. There’s plenty of shit you’re gonna have to walk through along the way.

Stop talking to her. Move forward.

hey I went throught the same shit… she wanted some room… so i gave it too her, After that she turned into a hoe… and it killed me… then she went on vacation to hawaii and got a perminent STD from a one night stand HAHAHAHAHA OWNED!!

The moral of the story… pay backs are a bitch! She’ll get hers… and hey atleast she broke up w/ you 1st… she coulda done it behind your back…

I’m with Clean Baldy, use your experience of 8 years with a girl to your advantage and start hooking up with all those girls you fantasized about the past 8 years that you never could due to the baggage lol :slight_smile:

Time to move on!

BikerFry is 100% right.

Stop talking to her. Not only are you making it harder on yourself, but you’re making it easier on her. She’s already trying to move forward (the right way or the wrong way… that doesn’t matter) and you’re gonna make her HATE you, leaving NO chance of EVER wanting her to even talk to her anymore. She will forget about the 8 years you were together, and the good times and only remember you hounding her and putting guilt trips and seeking “revenge” on her, and you seemingly acting like an asshole. That is all she will remember is how awful you treated her at the end of it all.

Who knows… maybe in the future when you’ve both got your lives together, lived a little, dated a few people, and meet up again down the road you’ll remember what you had for those 8 years and get back together.

Only time will tell on that, but in the meantime, you’ve gotta do whats best for you and not focus 100% of your mind on that. And try to leave a good taste in her mouth, and say goodbye the right way. She knows what you had and so do you… leave it in good standings however you can. Making her hate you at the end is something you will regret. I know I regret every second for 6 months, after my first long-term, trying to make myself feel better by making her feel worse. It didn’t help, and it won’t help you. I still look back and wish I did it differently to this day.

But… on a good tone…
Spring time is coming, NYspeeders are here, and we all plan on meeting up and having lots of fun in the warm times to come! She couldn’t have picked a better time! Be thankful its not october heading into winter! That’s the worst…

i vote baldy for nyspeed psychiatrist… this man knows his shit :tup:


i vote baldy for nyspeed psychiatrist… this man knows his shit :tup:


ill 2nd that lol , all in favor of the nyspeed psychiatrist section with clean baldy moderating it post!

Not talking is the best thing you can do. That and some rebound hook ups. Ive had plenty o’girl problems and the one that was the worst I stopped talking to for about a year, she came back and I ignored her and refused to talk to her still.

Works wonders as I never think of her and am glad I walked away when I did.

hey jeff - i didnt even see this thread until now. really sorry man -…and it’ll be tougher getting over this girl than any girl since you experienced pretty much all of your growing up and all of your firsts with her…i went through a similar deal recently except i hook up with a lot of girls :stuck_out_tongue: …it sucks so bad thinking of her having nothing to do with you…but everyone goes through it believe it or not at some point, everyone moves on and finds someone better…

you know you can find someone better, its the principle of how she went about it that hurts…but look at it this way, if she is going to be that childish it was bound to happen sooner or later…and better that it happened while your 21

odds are you can tell this story to some chick and you’ll get sympathy and she’ll lay you :tup:

let me know if u need anything brother


rape her then spit on her


i know the kids name to its Bill and he works at that great skate hockey store in amherst

dont get mad at him he’s just tryin to get a nut. just dont talk to her anymore man, completly ignore her

i deleted her from my phone this morning so i took my first step there


i know the kids name to its Bill and he works at that great skate hockey store in amherst


i want to preface this by saying that all words following this are meant in the nicest way possible.

get the fuck over her. i realize it’s not that simple, but you can do nothing but worry yourself sick. just fuck a bunch of younger 18-19 year old girls and forget about her. go out drinking at bars or something. if you don’t have friends that go out drinking, then you can come out with us. if the skeezy whores will hook up with jam, i assure you they’ll let you do whatever you want to them.

if she has a new bf already, it was over awhile ago. you win some, you lose some. move the fuck on. it’s not even worth talking to her anymore. girls 9 times out of 10 want space. it sounds like you weren’t giving her enough space, and you certainly aren’t giving her space now. forget her, close the chapter and move on. odds are, she’ll come knocking again, but at that point, you’ll have too much self confidence to fall for her bullshit again.


EDIT: deleting from the phone is a good step. when they call, it’s always funny to go “who’s this?” they get real mad when you do that.


dont get mad at him he’s just tryin to get a nut. just dont talk to her anymore man, completly ignore her




i want to preface this by saying that all words following this are meant in the nicest way possible.

get the fuck over her. i realize it’s not that simple, but you can do nothing but worry yourself sick. just fuck a bunch of younger 18-19 year old girls and forget about her. go out drinking at bars or something. if you don’t have friends that go out drinking, then you can come out with us. if the skeezy whores will hook up with jam, i assure you they’ll let you do whatever you want to them.

if she has a new bf already, it was over awhile ago. you win some, you lose some. move the fuck on. it’s not even worth talking to her anymore. girls 9 times out of 10 want space. it sounds like you weren’t giving her enough space, and you certainly aren’t giving her space now. forget her, close the chapter and move on. odds are, she’ll come knocking again, but at that point, you’ll have too much self confidence to fall for her bullshit again.


EDIT: deleting from the phone is a good step. when they call, it’s always funny to go “who’s this?” they get real mad when you do that.


i know i know i was just throwing it out there