Tall and slim clothing?

My cousin in Europe is 18 years old and he is 6’ 4" tall. I am looking to buy a sweat suit for him and some other misc clothes. Any online places that you guys know of would have what I am looking for? I have been looking online but nothing exciting so far…

i’m 6’4 and slim, and to be honest, anything i find that’s long enough for me, is loose as fuck and not worth the money to me. So I just end up buying more expensive t-shirts from places like Abercrombie and Ruehl925(a new branch that’s above A&F) and those fit me great.

depending on what your looking for, and what style he’s into, you may not find much.

how much does he weigh?

He is 180lbs approx. I am specifically looking for a sweat suit…pants need to be 50" from top to bottom. Waist would be 32". Fucking difficult to find.

50"?! he has over 4 foot tall crotch?! damn! i’m only a 34" (41" to my waist) and i’m 6’2"

your cousin must have a freakishly small torso

im 6,4 as well i wear my clothes baggy though

Location: South Buffalo

… of course you do.

hey, i tried going preppy but the clothes dont fit right i tried hollister, american eagle, and aero i ended up with a aero hoodie thats it nothing else fit so… i tried btw alot of my friends are preppy

banana republic has some slim fitted clothes,

If you are willing to drive to rochester H&M has slim fit, trendy, and low priced

This is a situation where shopping online would come in handy.

so he wears 32x50 pants? good fucking luck. i’m a little drunk, but 6’4" is 76 inches, right? 50 of those inches are leg? more importantly, he has 26 inches of torso, neck, and head? doesn’t the freak show that your cousin travels with give him custom clothes? something is amiss here.

aero right… yeah, dont kids in south b-lo get born in 3xl aero hoodies. its a mandatory thing for them.


or he can go the real american shirt-less way


ask dr dos

im 6’4 and 160. i seem to have little difficulty finding pants and shirts that fit me. length is sometimes an issue. 34 waist 36 length usually does the trick. and yes, my legs are enormously long.

How about you learn some originality instead of being a bandwagon jumping tool with zero creativity like lots of “me too club” followers on here

u even FUCKING know Marcus?

ok bud… i guess busting balls around here is a no no and yes i have met marcus once and he is a nice guy.

ohh no i must be a nut hugger now!!! how about you get off of marcus’s nuts.

try “Big and Tall” at the outlet mall…that’s the only place I can think of unless you have someone special make the clothes for him

B+R/Express( SOMETIMES), Ezra Ftich… Amercombie’s line. FCUK, i know you don’thave these here but… D&G has some really cool clothes that are fitted.

Hugo Boss has fitted clothing as well.

no, usually the preppy kids wear aero we get born in 3x southpole hoodies and carharts