Taxes: What are you getting, what do you owe

You are right, that’s why you aren’t getting anything back :slight_smile: :jam:

how does that work? Hope you werent taking advice from wesley

actually i owe this year… what does that mean :eek:

Should be around $1k

yes yes also love my kids the wife and I most years get about 8500ish but this year buying a house and a new car we are loking at about 13k or so i also claim “0” for exemptions and also do 10 extra in feds and 5 extra in state

if i get more then 10k ill post a pic

What did you deduct?

  1. Got to have an accounting degree
  2. Need to have student loans + interest payments
  3. Comfortable with legal, yet ethically “grey” ideas

just got one of my 1099’s in (miscellaneous)
and my only w-2

Those added together equal about 1/3 of my total yearly income. And my w-2 should cancel out most of my 1099 pay-in.

Now I’m waiting for my big 1099. Hopfully that $600 somthing tax rebate will cover what I owe…that would be nice, but then agian I doubt I will get it because my parents claim me and my dad makes 6 figures. So either way, I bet i’ll be paying in.

Getting roughly $700 in federal and a whoping $69 in state.

Dunno yet,it’ll be interesting.

I’m guessing $500-$800.

Enough to pave the driveway :slight_smile:

Around 2k it looks like.