Taxes: What are you getting, what do you owe

i should be around $1500, but i still need to do mine. definitely helps to have some more change

i owe nothing, and ill get ~$1200 back

I usually get 3-4k back.

i usually get 4-500 back.

Just did mine. Was higher than I expected actually. I had more income than last year, but stayed in the same tax bracket.

$1,425 for federal
$298 for state

getttin back 953

hell yeah :tup:

You can see who’s taxes are entirely too simple by who has their exact amount already.

I’m still waiting on:
Some 1099-int statements
Some 1099-div statements
Some 1099-misc statements

:tdown: to having complicated big kid taxes.

i have no idea i got 400 back last year and owed 50

i claim 0 on eveyrthing and worked 4 jobs this year, no idea

i got $4k back last year… ran out of tuition credits almost… but since my boy was born on Dec 29 i can claim him as a dependent for the whle year… and i paid more taxes this year too…

Im not sure if im going to do my taxes or not. We dont have to while over here but i dont see the sense of letting the gov just hold on to the little bit i should get back. I only paid taxes for 3 months this year. Ugh im going to do them and not be lazy.

i really hope this year i break 10k in returns

i hope for that every year, hasnt happened tho

how do u go about oweing taxes?

Claim too many exemptions on your W4s and you will have less taken out of your paychecks with the risk of owing money at tax return time. I take two exemptions on federal. I’ll owe a little bit to federal this year, but I overestimated state enough to still come out ahead. I actually have them take out an extra $10 a week for state taxes because I got sick of owing on them. Actually, I still haven’t got any of my needed W2s or 1099s yet, I’ve just done a quick-and-dirty calculation to see approximately where Ill stand.

Breaking even is the goal, you want maximum amount of money in your pocket every week without having to pay at the end of the year.

Same here :frowning:

wow its gunna suck having a job on the books.Doesnt the state take out the tax money automatically?

psh devils don’t pay taxes

I’ll be getting around $5400 back

Was getting back $316 from federal, $0 from state.

But since I’m a tax fucking wizard…

Federal: $1836
State: $374


claiming dirty handjobs by 80yo hookers doesnt count for deductions