Thank God for the roll cage *pics*


must have bought the one from enjukn that says (will most likely not pass any track INSPECTION)

holy shit

DAMN!!! whomp whomp

The most aggressive performer of the three wears the lowest number, No. 12. Will explained the Car FX plan of attack. "Instead of building a street car that can go out there and race on the track, we built a track car that we could make street legal. Car FX stripped car No. 12 of most of its interior. It replaced the rear glass and door glass with Plexiglas to subtract more weight. The vehicle barely tips the scales at 3,000 pounds. “We shaved weight everywhere we possibly could,” Will said.

^including welding the roll cage (damn the tape didn`t hold the cage together)

boltin cage for the lose?

was the cage made out of PVC?

damnn, is he still alive?

Both driver and passenger are alive and it was a bolt-in cage! WOW!

“Hello roll cage, wait… your not supposed to go through the floor”

Damn ricers…

Lmfao, Might aswell not have any cage. Thats fucked

that roll cage TOOK OFF EHHHHH.

glad no one died, i hope people realize bolt in cage is no go!

All I got to say is, that is mega scary…

Haha, i didn’t even notice the rollcage sticking through the floor until now. perfect execution +10 points!

Never buying a bolt in cage, that’s for sure.

“Hello roll cage, wait… your not supposed to go through the floor”

lmao thats sums it up

Didn’t know cusco made cages for domestics…

Holy shit , i just noticed the cage sticking out from under the vehicle.