Thank you moderators

No, I just didn’t think anyone understood that.

oh i saw him this past weekend and he said he got an A+, and thanks.

PS. That was before any offboard conversations we had.

be that as it may… if the member created more problems then he was worth was he worth keeping?

think of it in terms of a cold

you get sick… its totally annoying and you want it gone… but your one of those people who hate taking pain killers to get rid of it… so you wait it out and it never ends… so finally you get sick of it… and take that ADVIL to cleanse your self of your headache and cold symptoms and you feel much better afterwards and things are smooth for awhile again until the next cold.

im confused as to why this is up for debate really… daddie isn’t this your forum? why do you have to answer to this guy ? im just curious?

w/e. i am going to enjoy time with my family now, before i have to leave. pz.

modz r fgg0tz h@x rlz d00d

I answer to everyone, I merely admin the forum, just because someone disagrees with me doesn’t mean they are going to get banned or don’t deserve an answer.

Do I let personal things get in the way? I try not to, but sometimes I do. Is this one of those cases? Perhaps, or perhaps not.

or the rules that are posted the moderators do not follow them selves, look at all there sigs. None follow the rule that everyone is suppose to follow, yet I almost get banned for a sig that was 10pxls to big. If you want us to follow a rule you should follow it yourself, lead by example not by dictatorship


None? excuse me?

We have that rule in play to make sure everyone doesn’t have these huge sig.

I think that spending hours on here and cleaning up and keeping things in check warrants a small ~20 pixel bend of the rule. However, I don’t have a sig that violates any size.

so what does me hanging out with them have to do with anything? i dont think we’ve even met, so how can u even say that about someone? yeah im an idiot on here 99% of the time, and porb should have gotten kicked off a while ago for some of the shit that i start on here and i get a general consensus that most of the people on here dont like me at all. but that should not give u a reason to make assumptions about people that you have never even met.

I am sorry none was a bad choice of words, but you know which sig I am talking about and even allude to it in your post

my sig was supposedly 500x110, and caused a bunch of drama, even though flickr said it was 500x100

Using common sense = No ban.
That has always been the rules of OT IMO.


I love this. It has been so entertaining lately with everyone at each others throats about shit.

Thanks for your interesting the Beck banning. In the future when we have a situation that you do not have any factual information on, we will certainly entertain the idea of bringing you on as an outside consultant to aid in bringing it to resolution. Thanks for your interesting in Have a nice day.

That is of course, unless beck is using your account.

ok. heres the low down. everyone on this site is a total faggot except me.

if your reading this and you aren’t me, then your a totall fagget.

who can’t spell…
