thats right another rotto project

Ok so here’s the deal, it’s another rusto project!! A couple of things to remember while commenting, I have absolutely no idea what im doing because I have never done this before so please only constructive criticism, I love to her people give me some new ideas on how to do things so please comment away, and this is a project car, project meaning that i bought it to work on and i bought it to fix because thats what i like to do. that being said lets start off.

I bought this car for 50 bucks off of my high school auto shop a couple years ago. Since I moved I don’t have the facilities nor the equipment to do the tear down and welding work so it has been sitting and looking pretty for a while… a long while. So here I am yesterday with the trailer all set up and nicely out to put the car on and move to the shop, so I go to start it and the battery’s dead. So I say screw it and go to push it the 5 feet up onto the trailer when I relies crap. The passenger side wheel is all locked up. Already being late I decide to pack it all up and head out for the day. So I put the battery on the charger and get it all set up nice, come home throw it in the car… car wont start. Crap. Turns out the fuel pump isent firing so after a lot of soldering and shrink wrap it fires and were all good. Now that wheel… so here’s where our story begins

Look at you all nice and pretty sitting there begging for me to buy you

Whats this rust??

Ahhh more rust?!?

Oh well now ur in my garage. And u won’t start

So we pull ur tire off and everything sized. Crap.

Nice then the jack happens to slip and almost make the car fall on me… even ur jack points are rusted. Lovely. NOTE: when ur jack looks like this it means ur car hates you!

Well then now down to work…. 2 hours and a can of wd40 later ur off!! Look I had to take the brake pads out to. Grate. Well ill twist tie and bolt u in place just to hold for the trip. And I look like I should be washing dishes with my purple latex paramedic gloves.

Load you all up with necessary equipment.

Now you roll out onto the driveway and wait for the trailer to come

Oh hey whats this?? A pile of rust from pulling the caliper off? What am I getting myself into?!?

Until tomorrow when we start with the rails.

You are kidding right?
I hate to be mean, but do yourself a huge favor and find a chassis that doesn’t need a miracle.


Wow looks like u have ur work cut out for u, but hey i think its awesome to save another S13 from Certain death… Good luck.

Dude STOP!

Wtf are you thinking…that car is worse than the ones you see in the junkyard…The frame is broken all the way through for God’s sakes. There is a line you have to draw when rebuilding a car, and I believe you just crossed it.

Just STOP…let her die, she needs it!

I think this one may be beyond saving. This is coming from a guy who had to fix the frame on my 95 pathfinder, but at least I still had metal to weld to. Unless your going to fabricate new frame rails from scratch there is no way you can just weld a bunch of plates to strenghten them. There’s nothing left to weld too. And if you do you have to ask yourself, how good are my welding skills, because you don’t want to get it all done and the first pothole you hit the frame cracks. I know your probably anxious to prove us all wrong but this is my advise. Part the car out on the parts for sale forum and use the money toward buying something that is salvagable. I bought mine for $600 and it’s frame rails are mint.

I can only echo the same sentiment. I’ve got one frame rail to do on my coupe and it is no where near as bad as your car. Good luck if you continue in this project!


ur completely nuts man…ur going to have get those frame rails proffessionally done, and done on one of those frame rail machines or else the frame will never be straight

the body looks fine but damnnnnnnn thats a bad frame, i thought my last car was bad

u can always part it and make alot more money :slight_smile: in the end u might end up spending 2gs to fix the rust… sockertons wasnt this rusted… can u show a full view of the underbody? not just focused on that one spot?

If the frame is that bad…you can imagine what the floor is like above the frame sections. You won’t have anything to weld to.


wow you obviously have time on your hands and are looking for something to do, well get ready for a headache… give up while you have a chance.
thats a lot of rust

I thought my rust was bad. :shock:

Good luck if you try it, but like I said on MSN, you’ll have a hard time finding a spot to weld to there.

dude why,

one was funny, this is just pointless.

the car will never be good no matter how much metal you weld to the rotten chassis.

dump it in lake ontario where it belongs.

i would say charge people to smash the car when stressed.

they have that in japan.

they have houses full of crap and you pay to break anything you want.

u’d make some good money!

I say go for it! Cut the floor out, put in a new one and make new rails.


iuno why you would even bother with that…

and when you said twist tie and brake componants in the same sentence…

well… you really shouldnt be working on cars… that scares me


He just did that to get the car on the flatbed.


If this is just to practice bodywork and chassis restoration … with no intention of ever actually driving the car, or selling other than in pieces, by all means.

The rear end … jebus. I’d have to say back-half the car, install a Ford narrowed 9" diff (great for drifting) and use available hotrod rear frame rails to build the rear section using the diff as the reference.

Cutting and welding in new pieces, or just buying new rail sections from Nissan is no help.

Everything in the subframe has, or likely will shift as you repair it. The more you fix, the worse it’s going to get.

That steel cannot be patched, or POR15ed, or anything. It has to be cut out entirely. Making your own rails is an option, but you have to be super precise with all the mounting components and where you affix it.

The car will have to be supported evenly by many different points as you cut it out, or it will buckle.

And I can’t even begin to guess where you’re going to find any decent steel left on the car to weld to.

Even then, the odds of you getting it straight, as a beginner (even for a pro) are really fricking slim. You’ll end up with a car that dog-walks down the road, and no time on the rack is going to fix it.

drive it off a cliff, and actually be smart with your money, use it to buy a half decent hatch.

dude if you just cant get another car than go ahead and do it…

its your decision and not anyone elses, as long as YOU can see how to fix it, than you can…

go for it… btw i have frame rails for sale from a 180sx if you want… all the way from center of the car to the front of it, as well as lower and upper rad support