i have the drivers side from a 240sx brand new custom from Nissan, its just to install it… those pics i took were just to make it look really bad wait until i get pics of the whole frame up, because mainly those pics are only of the drivers side that i don’t need to find anything to weld to because i do have a new frame rail. i have professional welders and mechanics helping me and i have a frame jig so thanks everyone, 50 dollar car, me bored all day in the winters, why not??, worst come to worst i give up and part it out half way trough the project but i don’t think it will come to that… so thanks for the good luck everyone!
shhhh dont tell anyone but i dont have to patch mine just weld in new ones i already have :lol:
fastback240 wat does the girl in ur avatar say? i dunno how to read lips … but i think the last word was Me.
wana or will you f**k me :lol:
From what I can gather, she’s asking you to do to her exactly what you want to do.
i’m gonna say this… i wouldn’t touch that cars frame unless you paid me 2g’s… that being said, you should walk away from it, i wouldn’t even attempt to fix it… and i’ve got the knowledge skills to fix it…
unless your doing what mr200 suggested, then i wouldn’t bother with this car… you won’t loose anything by tossing it unless you’ve already spent a ridiculous amount of money on it in parts we don’t know about.
the car isn’t even on its last legs anymore, lol
lol i am i have new frame rails its just a matter of putting them on. wait till i get the full underbody pics up. then ull see thats its not such a huge project after all. but thanks for the distrust. h8ter.
dude i’m not hating… i’m just saying from the pics you’ve posted… and along with everyone else’s opinions… the car is beyond a point of fixing. i’ve fixed frames on 240’s before… and that car is in such rough shape, i’m saying i wouldnt touch it cuz it would be a hassle to fix. the frame seems to almost be non-exsistent from the pics you’ve posted. i’m just giving my opinion since i think i’ve welded frames more than you have. if you want some advice on how to do it i’m willing to help
hey man i know and what ppl dont seem to understand is i have nothing but time. i have hours in a shop everyday with nothing to do, so why not? i have a frame jig to make sure its stright and balinced and all that jaz, i have pro welders and mechanics helping me and from those pics it looks horid but that was the point of them. i cant remeber why i took them trying to make them look bad but i did. ill take some full rail pics tomorow and ull see. as soon as i weld the new half rails on to the car it will be fine… but i could always use help
well at least you have a frame jig, lol.
i honestly have every tool at my disposal anything i need i have, i can make my own for gods sake
You have too much time on your hands
Get a job… :?
i know i have about 5 hours of shop time a day to waste and i dont want a job… well thats a lie i do i just cant get one. lol
I will say this again. The chassis is toast and not worth spending any time on.
You have no clue the amount of work needed to do even the most minor rust work.
So when are we gona have the first set of pics ? Waiting…
OMG, have you ever done something like that? The good part is all that rust you can see. The bad part is the rest of the car that is finished that you cant see covered up with that nice paint. i bet by spring the car will be scraped, sorry to be pesimistic, but fact is fact that car is already dead.
Do your self a huge favor and buy a rust bucket for $500 with 75% less rust.
unfortunately i did not have access to the shop yesterday and only limited access to it today, so so far today i tried to figure out a game plan, then moved the 240 from the automotive shop to the welding shop.
look at your new home!
hey what’s this? a new frame rail. nice no rust.
ouuu old rail baddd rustttt…
hey that’s nice to see, the floor has no rust.
passenger side is fairly rust free to! one small plate and i think well be good.
hummm that’s decent to. nice!
hummm you may be a problem, but i can just replace you worst come to worst!
better then i expected there
over all fairly not productive day for the 240. had to clean the shop out and just start on a game plan i think im going to need for this little project. i have about 6 people coming to help me all day everyday next week to hopefully get the frame or some of it finished. 6 people and 5 full days of work i think we may be able to manage it, at most ill have to go into next week, oh well.
P.S. if anyone has any junkyard comments save it. I don’t bother reading them. And they just clutter the forum up.
for fifty bucks i guess its alrite. even if the project goes bad u can always part it n make huge profit. good luck n have fun
appearently the fact that the entire front unibody structure is DONE means nothing.
lol good luck with it. really… good luck.
i give it… 2 months… and then itll be at standard.