Pat, where did you go to have your block cleaned up? I’m planning on getting mine spiffed up and checked out a bit before reassembly too…
i know EXACTLY that feeling…and going through the same thing right now :tup:
Pat, where did you go to have your block cleaned up? I’m planning on getting mine spiffed up and checked out a bit before reassembly too…
i know EXACTLY that feeling…and going through the same thing right now :tup:
Ladies and gentleman something we all know and love that needs no introduction!!!
Weehaw. Billet dual bottle bracket. quite the sexy piece though i’m sure it’s not worth the money i paid but oh well. you only live once and can’t take it with you. More pics to come this week i’m sure as i have all kinds of crap coming.
that is sexy
about damn time!
im getting that bracket with chrome fire extinguishers for mine
Looks fantastic man!
The sticker turned your hood yellow!!!
lol poor lighting and camera phone FTL.
Holy shit, no joke. I really thought that was a pic of the hood from a yellow car with black stripes for reference.
:tup: Nice looking build though. Should scoot. You putting that motor together yourself?
i guess we will see with my motor…
I will be building Patrick’s motor.
right…i won’t even touch that one.
haha… i wasn’t going to say anything…
pshhh i will get to it once i finish your wiring.
you mean re-looming?
I hear that you’ve got a new, MUCH BIGGER project. :snky:
But, yea, looking good here too.
true dat :tup:
dude im telling ya, the double bottle doesnt work.
it looks cool for a little bit then im willing to bet your pull one out.
i had a pimp braided line to a tee for both side into a -6. i might have some pics around
+1 on 2 bottles for 1kit.
Congrads on getting rid of the NOS plate, a nozzle fogging a lid is better then that junk. that’s a real plate :tspry:
I want a ride as soon as this mother’s done!