The baby blue shark hood neon tried chasing me down...



Awesome post, but wasting physical energy on someone who types “YUR” everytime instead of “your” (so you KNOW it isn’t a typo) just isn’t worth the time.

Plus you should be shaking in your boots from his big 5’10" 190lb towering mass!


yea, he is smaller than I am and I would never set out to fight anyone without first verifying they are only about 5’6"



  1. RACE


Done, but what do I get for 3 out of 3?


Done, but what do I get for 3 of 3?


You take their bitches!


Done, but what do I get for 3 of 3?


no way jesse… You need more TV’s in your body panels if you’re going to win shows!!!



I don’t know who you are, but I like you, Copperlegend!


:smiley: thanks!! I was at the Dunville track day with theblue, dmoffitt, Silver, and MPD47. Not sure who you are or if you were there, heh


Done, but what do I get for 3 of 3?


you get to smash their fugly cars?


Done, but what do I get for 3 of 3?


x2… i was gona accept this as well… i challange ANYbody in your matchbox car club to a race/judging. by an unbiased person, not one of your ghetto crackerjack homeboys

im willing to bet 85% of the cars on this board would walk away with this as well. unlike you BOIZZZ from da StR337Z, for the most part, there is much more in life to us than cars. like showers, a career (not job), …showers


:smiley: thanks!! I was at the Dunville track day with theblue, dmoffitt, Silver, and MPD47. Not sure who you are or if you were there, heh


Nah, I am mainly at autocrosses when the mr2 is running.

Welcome to the boards though, and keep keeping us laughing.


Nah, I am mainly at autocrosses when the mr2 is running.

Welcome to the boards though, and keep keeping us laughing.


Ah, I autocross in the FLR region with my slow subaru.

enough chit chat! More hate!!


enough chit chat! More hate!!


i like where your heads at - stay on topic everyone.

That hood looks all snaggletoothed


My apologies…

There’s no point though right now, because our favorite new members aren’t reading the thread.

alright… lets’ fight already :wink:

Size doesn’t determine if someone wins a fight.

It determines the embarassment level of the loser.

I spar people a lot heavier than me, and it’s easy to manipulate them into the correct position where you can cause max damage. Smaller people are usually a bit faster, and generally are a problem for me when it comes to submission moves. That’s when pure punching and grappling comes in.

I’ve also had a 150 lbs punch me so fucking hard it felt like I got stabbed. Trust me, size doesn’t have a lot to do with who will win a fight, nor will numbers.

I’ve been driving imports for so long my arms have no torque.


Size doesn’t determine if someone wins a fight.

It determines the embarassment level of the loser.

I spar people a lot heavier than me, and it’s easy to manipulate them into the correct position where you can cause max damage. Smaller people are usually a bit faster, and generally are a problem for me when it comes to submission moves. That’s when pure punching and grappling comes in.

I’ve also had a 150 lbs punch me so fucking hard it felt like I got stabbed. Trust me, size doesn’t have a lot to do with who will win a fight, nor will numbers.


I couldn’t agree with you more. Plus it helps to actually know what your doing.


I’ve been driving imports for so long my arms have no torque.


i lol’d

Yous guys is jus jelis cuz muh ryde is nice. All the ladies want to go fur rydez n stuff cuz i gots tvs and shyt. Bust on muh car and ill punch u in ur facez. you bitzhez aint shit. s2000 that shit is stupid, how do you put spinnaz on that car the wheels is too smallz?

Im generating conflict here now.


Yous guys is jus jelis cuz muh ryde is nice. All the ladies want to go fur rydez n stuff cuz i gots tvs and shyt. Bust on muh car and ill punch u in ur facez. you bitzhez aint shit. s2000 that shit is stupid, how do you put spinnaz on that car the wheels is too smallz?

Im generating conflict here now.


i totally wanna be in a carclub with you