the banning of automotive modifications

Some good stuff there, :tdown: to the tint being added to the annual inspection process, but :tup: to the reduction on the number of plates needed to be displayed on a vehicle.

exact numbers aside… THIS

youve never heard of a homosexual hate crime?

same thing applys

i never said they were, i said if they deem them unsafe.

Yea and who would have thought the health care industry would change like it did.

Never say never. Just because it’s a stupid move doesn’t mean the idiot lawmakers won’t still do it.

The EPA classified co2 as a harmful compound. That’s proof of the idiocy of the EPA and the dumb bitch running it.

The banning of hondakid…

haha real funny fonzie

:smiley: joking aside I was trying to read this on the diesel mags but didn’t get far in. New chrysler diesel cab and chassis trucks need “diesel exhaust fluid” to run… its only a matter of time.

yeah its been in almost every mag… and from what im reading ny state has a very unique way of telling if an exhaust is to loud or not

I’m waiting to make an ass out of a cop when I get pulled over. My exhaust is 100% stock but my motor sounds like a skeleton beating off in a filing cabnit.

LOL you will probably end up getting pwned by said cop.

when i got pulled over like 2 weeks ago for inadiquite/no muffler i had asked the cop about the db meter and the legal db level and that i had read that its 95 db and he said that he hasnt heard any thing like that

i got pulled over in ithica for loud exhaust in my SHO. I was going back and forth with the cop telling him over and over that the exhaust is stock. he let me go for that but i still got a ticket for expired registration.

I think they should ban bicycles, because they’re for homos and always are in my way. Or we should at least be able to run them off the road.

Apparently they are making it illegal to drive recklessly as well. Last time I got pulled over I received five tickets for the modifications to my car AND for the way I was driving. What is the world coming to.

This is true. He would probably keep me on the side of the road for an hour and find everything retarded to write me for.

the state is finding more and more ways to comp money from people in the stupidest ways possibale.