The Beast Lives !!!

Well after a few weeks of some off and on work (more off than on!) my car is started with the new fuel system on. I was suprised it started fine the 1st start, I figured I would have to play with the fuel pressure a little bit for the new injectors (84lb) since there pretty big. Gotta love the plug n play of the HKS VPC/GCC, all I did was change out the A chip (factory injectors) to the B Chip and she purrs like a kitten. I just have to tie up a few little things tommorow and she should be ready to ripp. Tommorow ill try and remember to take my digital camera home with me from work and take a lil vid and some pics. :smiley:

congrats! :slight_smile:

glad to hear you finally have in finished. Hope to see it soon:D

thanks guys… im sure it will be a blast… I just need a w/b now :frowning: Ill either con tussy to take his out of his civic to let me use for a while or ill go rent the one off hybrid if possible :slight_smile: who knows we’ll see I wont be ready for it for a few days anyway

congrats, figures that your lazy ass wouldnt get it finished till wintertime… :wink:

You ought to call me sometime, i havent talked to your ass in forever…

seems like everytime im back in PA i only have enough time for business… :frowning: next time i come up we’ll definately have to hang out like old times… :wink:

Originally posted by SP71Supra
I just need a w/b now :frowning: Ill either con tussy to take his out of his civic to let me use for a while or ill go rent the one off hybrid if possible :slight_smile:
what hapened to the ZR-2?:confused:

Cool. I got dibbs on first ride!

wanna race? (on foot)

congrats mark track sat & then flashlight drag:bigok: :smiley:



nice man, gratz

sweet, should have a topend like no other


wow… you have no clue how long i took to type up this big ass reply to everyone and it said I had too many images in my post… so i clicked back and EVERYTHING was gone :mad:

Oh well im not writing it again but ill summarize it. I took the car out today, took it easy for about a min :smiley: then I decided to give it hell :cool: like always. The boost came on really nice, it pulled hard, a lot harder than my BPU car, but you could really tell the injectors were really dumping massive amounts of fuel into the motor. Even though it was running PIG rich it still never broke up on top end. Im getting my friends wideband tommorow because saturday he is going to NC for 2 weeks !! So thats pretty cool, im going to hook it up tommorow if it dosent rain like its suppost to :frowning: and lean that mo-fo out. Im also getting some C12 this weekend in a small barrel so hopefully we can get her to run like a BEAST. Ill let you guys know on the progress once something good happens :slight_smile: Take care

Originally posted by SP71Supra
wow… you have no clue how long i took to type up this big ass reply to everyone and it said I had too many images in my post… so i clicked back and EVERYTHING was gone :mad:

Oh well im not writing it again but ill summarize it. I took the car out today, took it easy for about a min :smiley: then I decided to give it hell :cool: like always. The boost came on really nice, it pulled hard, a lot harder than my BPU car, but you could really tell the injectors were really dumping massive amounts of fuel into the motor. Even though it was running PIG rich it still never broke up on top end. Im getting my friends wideband tommorow because saturday he is going to NC for 2 weeks !! So thats pretty cool, im going to hook it up tommorow if it dosent rain like its suppost to :frowning: and lean that mo-fo out. Im also getting some C12 this weekend in a small barrel so hopefully we can get her to run like a BEAST. Ill let you guys know on the progress once something good happens :slight_smile: Take care
good luck & see u at the track sat or the drags WITH CAR buddy:bigok:

Isn’t BEAST a pretty strong name for a chick car? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Originally posted by Black_WS6
Isn’t BEAST a pretty strong name for a chick car? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

especially a white chick car :greddy:

… that will hand me my ass in no time :frowning:

Originally posted by turbovw18

… that will hand me my ass in no time :frowning:
Me too :frowning:

Originally posted by Black_WS6
Me too :frowning:
i aint scared:p :frowning: