the beginning of the end or the next big war?You choose

Now that I will disagree with.Yes they need to eat but They WILL want gold as well

i guess… the love of gold is strong… id rather eat. :slight_smile:

Jeg, you are … sigh

No words can express the emotions you bring out of me.

Antsy in the pantsy?

Gas lines are coming this fall based on inventory depletion. Watch World Oil Exports [WOE] and EIA’s TWIP report as leading indicators of when shortages will develop. Debt, politics, weather and unknowns are wildcards, able to create instant and very large-scale outages.
On a personal level, self-reliance is a great investment. Plant a garden. Invest in an emergency food shelter. Invest in your local community.
Permanent solutions must start immediately. A leadership call to self-reliance and Victory Gardens can have an immediate effect. Aggressively exploring alternatives will give more time to create and implement solutions. Most solutions are local. Like planting a garden, local action can create an economic lifeboat for each economic community.
We can re-tool transportation to operate with about 15% of current oil consumption. We will have to work hard for the next 15 years to accomplish this.

I just sprayed water all over my monitor.



Hmmm, or maybe nothing will happen but a recovery?

Freddie/Fannie looking better:{692F98DF-60E7-40E2-B340-7A2090407EAF}

Rate increase may be coming soon (good for dollar):{E9EE28C7-D4A7-48CF-9DB4-0B8C68DA5FFE}

Stocks rally:{9B489CBB-15EC-4482-A130-F22FB4CB9B2A}

Oil down, market happy about it:{1BC77C94-9A12-4248-8BDF-ADDF6BE0043B}

Airlines looking a little better:{935660C0-FE86-4E06-B25A-97922AB5FDB4}

One for AWDTinfoilDrifter… Bad news in China:{AD0AD23C-71C5-44DF-9B48-84241E9FAE40}

Playing a little nicer with Iran:

Indymac failure may have more to do with internal fraud than the economy:

Now I’m not trying to claim that everything will be up up up from here on in. But you have to look at some of the positives when you’re discussing doomsday type scenarios.


heeeeyyy… bringing back dead threads…

so it is being published now, and i guess i will be wrong becuase no one will do anything about it.

your country is for sale bitches… i can laugh because my country was bought and sold long ago.

China is hurting a bit but they still scare me. Never let your guard down.:tinfoilhat:

Are you really surprised by the apathy Bing?

and, lol. canadia.

I just saw this and was reminded of this thread:

buawhahahahahahah… that cant be real

That is effin amazing ahahahah