i was installing the rear sub frame collars
as i was tightening the nut that goes on the stud, the stud just snapped
now my subframe is held in by 3 studs/nuts
is this stud replaceable without cuting the floor underneath the rear seat, or can i turn the stud out with visegrips?
in other words, is the stud welded to the frame or is it threaded in?
HELP HELP HELP, i’m down until i get this repaired, the worse thing is that i did this at centennial college and now my professor won’t let me take my car home.
just guessing but damn sure… its welded in/solid to the chassis/uni-body and would require cutting etc.
i couldnt see nissan using a pick up point for the rear subframe and not having it solid to the structure to an extent. but they may very well be studs ?
i did, and the stud goes right into the subframe, i haven’t had a chance to turn the stud, but chances are it will be seized on anyways.
thats why i’m trying to find out if anybody has had this accident before
It is very easy to remove the rear seat, just (if it is similar to s14) remove the two plastic covers by where your calves would be if you were sitting in the seats and remove the 10mm(i think) bolts. Then just kinda work it out (the back of the bottom kinda hooks in at 2 spots under the back.
whoa dude easy all you have to do if your sure its welded is cut it off flush, then drill what ever is left out. then fit the new stud in and weld it up not that bad???
Take out rear seat (pull the two black tabs infront of each seat)
Drill it out (you could do this from the bottom if its not clear where the bolt is welded in from the top. Just grind off the rest of the bolt till its flush, then just use a drillbit appx the same size as the bold diameter or maybe a bit bigger)
Put in new bolt. Weld it. (Your teach, or someone in the class has to have hookups to a welder, doesn’t the school have one?)
i have a welder, but my teacher is afraid that it might blow up or something
i obviously went to another professor after that comment, he said that there might be one in another lab, so i should be fine
now my teacher says that it is a safety concern and i can’t do it at school